The kitty cat

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Hi! I am sorry that I haven't been posting lately. Here's the new chapter. Enjoy!

           I ran and hid in the closet because I couldn't think and thought it was the best thing to do at the moment. I didnt know who it was but I heard muffled voices. When I heard them leave I stepped out of the closet. I checked to make sure that nobody was in the house. Then I heard someone or something scratching on one of the closed rooms. I creeped toward the room and opened it. It jumped. AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH! I screamed but then realized that it was just a little kitty cat. Meow Meowwww! It was probably hungry so I looked around for some cat food and found some in the cabinet. "There you go." Well the cat was full but I wasn't. I grabbed an apple and headed out. The cat started following me and meowing. People started looking at me and I didn't want to draw any attention to myself. "Go back to where you came from GO!" I ran away from it and hoped that I would never see it again. I saw that their was a park nearby and headed toward it. I collapsed on the bench and started crying. "That cat was so cute. Did I do the right thing letting it go? I want it to be my friend. But if I do become its friend, some random person might shoot it just because it was dear to me. Think....think.......I know the right thing to do is to let that innocent cat go. I've been fine being alone for as long as I can remember so I'll be fine now." I stopped crying and just looked at the was so
peaceful. "I wish my life was peaceful." I silently say to myself.

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