Chapter 2

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As I walked to dance. I kept thinking about mark and how cute he was. 

I arrived at dance at 4:45 I had to stretch for 15 mins before acro. That I hate. I have that till 6 then get a break till 7 and then have hiphop.  

During acro I hear my phone go off  I go check its Jonas calling me. I answer  only to get told that we are going to playlist live in 3 days. I haf to go back to acro class


Thank gosh thats over. Now a break. I sit in the dancers den and text Jonas and mark

(B=brynn M=mark)

B. Hey mark I am still at dance but guess what 


B. I AM GOING TO......

M. Your going were


M. Omg that's great that mean we can meet 

B.yesss I can't wait I need to go love you 

M. Bye brynn

B. OMG MARK I am so sorry that I said I love you its just  a habit

M. Its ok 

*end of convo*

Omg I cant belive I told mark I love him. Like freak 

6:45 pm

I need get ready for him hop. So I just put on my black belly top and my shorts. With my hair up in a high poney.

*skips hiphop* 

8:15 pm

 finally out I grab my team jacket and my dance bag. And walked home. 

I got home at 8:25 it was only me and jonas that were in. Because my mom works alot and our dad died. 

I told jonas I was going to facetime someone so dont come in. It was 8:30. And I face timed mark forgetting I was wearing my belly top and short black shorts. 

Mark looked so cute today ........









Authors note

Guys its half past midnight for me so might be last update of tonight 

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