Chapter four

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Jonas's Pov 

I think mark like brynn because he has been asking for her and thing's. I thought to myself as I l lay awake on my bed it was 7:30 am we leave for shopping at 9 so I geuss I better wake up brynn. 


I shout I hear her get up plug her phone in to the speakers and start to run the shower I run down stairs get her an apple and run and give it to her 

When she's in her shower I get  a call from mark

M. Hey Jonas 

J. Hey mark whats up

M. Well I got tickets to fly out to see you and there for toda . I was wondering could I stay with u till we  leave for playlist. 

J. Sure bro I would love that 

M. My plane arrives at 6pm 

J. That's ok well brynns just out the shower we are about to go shopping. Then she has dance till 6:30 so you be at our by the time she gets back

M. Ok byee

J. Byee 

*end convo* 





I got out the shower ate my apple and got dressed. I put on some white ripped jeans and a cream crop top that said selfie on it. With my white supperstars

We called for an uber and went to the wall 










do u think jonas is going to find out that mark likes brynn

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