Who We Are

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His name was October. I could tell by the way his nose wrinkled when he said it that he despised his name. I'm pretty sure anyone would.


It's a complicated and troublesome name for a boy. But then again, he was also both of those things. I was twelve when I met him. He was fifteen. Age didn't make a difference, though. We were both wise beyond our years from these lives. 

I called him Toby. At first he hated that even more than his real name, but I was still a kid and there wasn't much he could do about it. So, he became Toby. I became Emmie. He said that if I got to give him a nickname, he should get the same luxury. We lived together for a few years until we met Carm. He was anther Magic. It was harder trying to get him to join us. 

"You're insane." Carm spat, turning away from us. I crossed my arms in frustration. We found him hiding out in an abandoned cave by the edge of the forest. Carm was well built. He had short caramel hair and tan skin. At first I didn't know he was a Magic until Toby and him started to fight. I remember the look on Toby's face as Carm hurled him off the ground and into a tree.

Carm was freakishly strong, mentally and physically. It was as if someone had enhanced his body to the extreme. He refused to join us for so long. I could see why.

"A group of us in one place is a mistake. We'll be easily exterminated." He muttered.

"Well, what happens when the soldiers find you? I really don't think you can take them all on your own." Toby replied. He was leaning against a tree with a bored expression. He always looked bored, but I knew better.

"I can fight. I'm stronger than you think." Carm replied hastily. I smirked, remembering his fight with Toby. 

"You haven't fought them before. We have." Toby snapped. He took a few steps toward Carm and I noticed my shadow starting to waver. He was getting angry.

I don't think any of us wanted to see him angry.

"Carm, how about you just stay with us tonight?" I offered hopefully. I just wanted to get rid of the unnecessary tension. 

"How do I know you two won't try anything funny?" Carm asked bitterly. Toby let out a frustrated sigh.

"You have our word." I blurted out before Toby could say anything. Carm finally nodded. He stayed that night, and the next, and the next. It's been three years since we met him and I've never regretted him coming. Carm, Toby and I became inseparable. 

Over the next year, we got two more members. Bella- who held the power of lust- and Felix... who was pretty much a cat.

Belle was a skinny olive-skinned goddess... and she knew it. Her powers consisted of beauty and deceit. She could charm men to do whatever she wanted. Toby warned her of ever using it on our group, though.

Felix was a short stringy boy. His nose was far down from his eyes, like a cat. He didn't have whiskers or ears, but he was extremely clever, flexible... and had terrifying claws. We never got too close. Toby always kept me away from him.

Toby didn't go by October to anyone. Only Carm or I ever called him Toby, so he was known to the rest of the world as Eight. 

I guess he chose that because of 'Octo' or something. I never understood.

Together, the five of us are known as Black Noise. Toby is our "leader", at Rank One. No one argues that. Since Carm and I were the other oldest here, we're Rank Two. Belle and Felix are Rank Three. Despite the fact that we're hunted, we've made a name for ourselves... especially Toby. We may all be different, but there's one thing that keeps us together: our hate for Normals.

I guess you could say we're villains. I don't find a problem with that word anymore. Yes, we kill, but I think it's only fair considering what they've done to Magics like us. They killed my family and I expect them to pay. 

For the last four years, I've suffered through night terrors from those events. They were horrible and I can only imagine what the others thought when my screams kept them up at night. Toby was the only thing that could calm me down. They've disappeared lately and I will not be happily awaiting their return.

So that's us. We're a rogue group of frightened kids who turned to blood for survival. No one gets away from us alive. 

No, they suffer like we did. 

We are... Black Noise.

And we're done waiting.


This chapter is short, I know. It's just the introductions. The picture is of Anna Zabolotskaya, who I based Emmie off of. Read, comment, vote, enjoy.

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