This Is Us and Dr.Pepper

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*Jessica's POV*

We boarded the plane and sat down in first class. Its really nice in here (That's what he said. Hehe). Luke kept complaining about the window seat.

"But you have to sit next to the window. Its your first time.) He whined and old people gave us dirty looks.

"But I'm scared." I said, matter-a-factly.

"Well too bad." He playfully shoved me to sit down.

"Everyone please stay seated and buckled and please put your phones on airplane mode. We are about to take off. I'll come back on and say when you can unbuckle and move around. Thank you." The lady said over the intercom.

"Yay!" Luke sat down and giggled like a little girl.

As soon as we started to take off, I freaked out. "Luke, Luke Luke Luke Luke!" I grabbed his hand and squeezed it hard.

"Its okay, don't worry." He said.

"Get me off this plane. I'm gonna die. I feel it. I love you Luke." I said looking around, wondering how these people were so calm.

"Babe", Luke giggled," you aren't gonna die. I won't let that happen. Just...look out the window. "He pointed with his hand I wasn't turning purple.

"Woah! That's incredible! They're so tiny!" I giggled and slowly let myself com down and stop squeezing Luke's hand.

"I know! Look at the buildings!" I giggled.

"You may now unbuckle and move around." The lady said.

"God. I've been having to pee since we got on here." Luke unbuckled and stood up.

"But." I stammered.

"Its okay, you'll be fine." He assured me.

"Okay." I nodded nervously," Imma be okay." I said more to my self than Luke and he walked off. I pulled out my phone and headphones. I put them in and clicked shuffle on Spotify. All Time Low came on.

Someone tapped me on the shoulder from behind. I turned around, " Yes." I turned around.

" I couldnt help but notice your listening to ATL." A, quite attractive boy might I add, said. Trust me I wouldn't date him, he looked about 15-17 and I'm 19.

"Yeah. You like them?" I gaped.

"Um, who doesn't?" He fangirled with me," Unfortunately I cant listen to them right now. My headphones broke." He said sadly.

"Oh. You wanna move up here? I'll share." I held out an ear bud.

"Sure. Your boyfriend wont kill me, right?" H looked towards the bathrooms. What is Luke doing in there?

"Nah he won't care." I smile and he moved up beside me.

"By the way, my names Ryan." He smiled and took an ear bud.

"I'm Jessica." I smiled,"So what's your favourite song?" I asked him.

"Hmm...that's hard. But if I had to pick, Stella or Kids In The Dark."

"Omg Kids In The Dark are my favorite too!" I fangirled," Its so...
I don't know... Its so me. Ya know?" I looked at him.

"Yeah. I love the video too!"

"Same! It looks so much fun! The first time I watched it, I was like 'Where do I sign up?!' " I giggled.


"I have it, do you wanna watch it?" I asked.

"Duh! Is that even a question?!" He answered almost immediately.

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