Chapter Three: Downworld

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My lungs hurt. They burned so badly that my eyes were starting to water. That's all I could focus on. The pain and the fact I wasn't running as fast as I should have been. I could hear the beasts behind me. I could hear their large bodies crashing through the trees. I could feel their excitement at the chase.

I was their prey.

I caught a flash of one to my right and I stumbled as I changed direction, tripping over my feet—almost smashing my face off a tree. I caught myself in time, only scraping my shoulder against the rough bark as I dodged and weaved my way around it. My breathing was coming in ragged gasps as I tried to push my body to run faster. My hair whipped against my face and I tried to shake it out of my eyes. My heart pounded and the creature inside of me demanded we make a stand and fight but I couldn't. I didn't know the first thing about fighting. All I currently knew was running.

There was another flash of dark fur to my right and I turned again, not wanting to get any closer to the beasts than I needed. After a few moments I realized my mistake as I nearly crashed into a building. It was covered in moss and look overgrown by nature but I had gone from forest to city and that wasn't good. I didn't know how to navigate through cities, Haven may have had levels and corridors but nothing like what stretched out before me.

I pushed all those thoughts away as I started running down the abandoned street. Nature had reclaimed much of the area and it would have been beautiful if I hadn't been running for my life. I tried not to let myself cry but I could now hear them behind me on the overgrown street. There were no trees or bush to hide behind anymore.

I ducked into an alleyway hoping to lose them between the buildings but I skidded to a stop when I realized it was a dead end.

"No,no,no,no!" I spun around, ready to bolt when I saw them. Two large beasts, saliva hanging from their jaws as they lumbered forward. Claws gleamed in the light and I scrambled backwards, my heart pounding in my chest. The creature inside me wanted to fight them, flashing its teeth in warning. It did not like being backed into a corner, it didn't like it one bit and neither did I.

"You took us on a merry chase. Was afraid we would lose you for a second. Squirrely little mongrel. Doyen will get some use out of you." A man with long hair moved past the two beasts and towards me with a smug grin on his face.

"Please just let me go! I don't want any trouble!" I inhaled and exhaled rapidly. Scents were overloading my brain. My eyes shifted about the alleyway looking for any way to escape, but there was nothing but high walls made of worn brick and moss. The man must have figured out my thoughts for escape because he stepped closer, snapping his fingers.

The two beasts moved in closer, low rumbling growls echoing off of the walls. I backed up further, pressing my back up against the dead end. A snarl ripped from my chest of it's own accord, the creature in me taking control of my body like it had before.

The man burst out laughing, not at all concerned by my actions, "Our Doyen is going to have a lot of fun with you. Come on, little mongrel..." He motioned for me to step forward, "Doyen hates waiting and I am not looking to have those claws in my ass. Already going to pissed off by the fact that your mongrel friends went and got themselves burned up and stuck in a fucking tree."

He was so callous as he talked about the others, as if they had made the choice to die. I didn't want to go anywhere with him and I had no desire to meet this Doyen person. When I didn't make a move to join him, he snapped his fingers. One of the beasts lunged forward, snapping its teeth inches from my leg. I gave a sharp scream and cringed back, turning my face away in fear. My body was trembling so hard I was sure they could hear my bones rattling together.

The Wild Hunt (Downworlder Series, #1)Where stories live. Discover now