The Shard

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Guys look the first chapter of the second book!!! Woooo \^_^/ Im glad you guys actually like the first one and stuck around even though I got late with the updates and everything. I also wanna say thanks to my awesome American friend darkchild1999 for giving me the idea of making reader get shocked by the little peace of the Cube that got stuck on Sam's jacket. (Half edited)

I slung my duffle bag over my shoulder after stepping out of the taxi and looked back up at the house. "Looks like little bro is finally growing up." I said as I started to walk up to the front door when I stopped and looked at the garage.

I smiled while I walked over to the door and opened it. Sitting inside was a clean, yellow and black, 2009 Chevrolet Camaro also know as Bumblebee. One of the Autobots and boyfriend. "Hey Bee. Miss me?" I said as I shut the door behind me. The sound of metal shifting was herd and soon a large black and yellow bot crouched in front of me.

He then held out his hand. I dropped my bag and climbed on. "I shall take this as a yes." I said as he lifted me up to his face and I smiled. Small happy wher's came from him as his eyes fixed on my face. "I'm glad to see you as well. I'll come back out later. I need to go and embarrass Sam before he leaves for college." I said as he let out a sad whine and I laughed.

"I promise to come back and see you." I said as he let me down slowly. I walked over to where my bag was and turned to looked at him to we him looking down, while drawing small circles on the ground. "Bee don't do that! I promise I'll come back." I said as I walked out the door shutting it behind me before he made me stay.

I sighed as I walked over to the front door and opened it. I dropped my bag and stopped when I herd crying come from the living room. 'Here we go again' I thought. Mum did this when I left for the army as well. "Look what I found. It's your baby booties." I herd mum say and rolled my eyes. "Come on mum. Leave Sam alone." I said as I walked around the corner to see Sam being crush one of mums hugs. She looked at me and started to cry harder.

"My little baby bootie boy. You can't go." She said through the tears. I just rolled my eyes. "You see this, dad, this is how you're supposed to react when the fruit of your loins gose out into the cruel world to fend for himself, ok?" Sam said and I laughed. "Don't worry Sam he did nothing when I left for the army." I said as I looked back at him and crossed my arms.

"Yeah, my heart bleeds for both of you. Collage. Army. Bummer." He said as he walked away. I rolled my eyes and looked back at mum and Sam. "You have to come home. Every. Holiday. Not just big ones. You have to come home for Halloween." She said and then she looked at me. "Same goes for you, young lady! Come home more." I rolled my eyes.

"Mum you know I can't. I'm just lucky they allowed me to come home after our last big mission last night. I'm missing a de-brief back at the bace. And if I missed anything important while I'm away its your fault." I said as I started to walk away. I herd Sam and mum arguing and I sighed. "Nothing ever changes, dose it?" I said under my breath. I then stopped at the stairs and yelled "Sam I'm gonna start bring your boxes down!"

I walked passed my old room and down the hall to Sam's. It's a lot tidier then the last time I was in it. I started to pick up a box that he had already packed. As I started to walk out of his room I sore the hoodie that he wore when we where dragged into the battle between the Autobots and Decepicons two years ago.

I put the box down and walked over to it. "Really Sam." I said to myself as I took it off the coat hanger. "Now I'm crying again! This sucks!" I herd mum yell down the hall and I rolled my eyes. I then herd Sam coming up the stairs and into his room on his phone. 'Mikaela?' I mouthed to him and he nodded. I smiled and gave him a large smile and thumbs up.

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