Meeting an old con

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Hiya guys. Sorry I didn't update last week I got really sick and I still am but I'm felling a little better. Turns out I caught one of the colds that has be going around that lasts 3 weeks ;-; but at lest I'm on holiday now so I have time to rest. But anyway this could be crap since I'm writing with with a massive headache.

We finally arrived at our destination and I let out a small laugh. "How could I not have guess. Where do you always go to find old planes." I said as I hopped on the the car and stood by Bee.

I looked at the building and lent on Bee's hood. "Smithsonian Air and Space Museum. Land of dreams in there." Simmons said as he held binoculars up to his face. I rolled my eyes behind my sunglasses and looked to my brother and Leo.

"Honestly, how do we keep finding this guy." I said nodding my head toward Simmons. "You know, you still haven't told me how your involved with all of this." Leo said and I looked at him.

"Long story." I said with a sigh. I then saw Sam look behind me groaned. "What is that." He said and I turned my and completely regretted it.

"Wow ok." I said and turned back around. Bee honked his horn and started to shift though radio stations. "Put some clothes back on." He said and I laughed.

"What? I wear them when I'm in the funk. So dose Giambi, Jester. It's a baseball thing." He said. I finally turned back around and he had pants back on.

"Thank god." I whispered under my breath. Simmons then grabbed a case that had God knows what in it, and up it on Bee's hood.

"Ok. Watches synchronized, sharp mind and empty bladder." Simmons said looking down at his watch and looked at my brother, me, Mikaela and then to Leo.

"Ok, take one of these pills. Slip it under your tongue." He said as he threw a small container of pills at my brother. "It's a high-concentrated polymer they put in Oreo cookies. Tricks th..." Simmons said and I rolled my eyes and grabbed the containers out of Sam's hands

"Honestly Simmons. Really." I said shaking the container and then threw it across the parking lot. "We're not taking your stupid pills." I said and turned my head away.

I herd him mumble something rude about me and I flipped him off. "Ok. Now, let's get this show on the road." He finally said and I herd the sound of a taser go off.

I turned my head back around to see Simmons holding a taser while Leo started to freak out.

"Whoa, whoa, no, I can't do this." He said as he looked between all of us. "I'm not some alien bounty hunter, guys. I'm not gonna do this. Guards have guns. I don't want to die."

I just rolled my eyes as Simmons started to give him one of his stupid speeches to him and some how got him to agree. "I really don't know how he did that." I said as we started to make our way to the museum entrance.

"Alright here's the plan. Us four are going to hide around the corner while Leo calls the guard over and takes him out." Simmons said as we walked though the doors.

"This is not going to work." I said as I walked to one of the displays and pretend to be interested then looked around.

"Leo is gonna mess up something." I said as I climbed into one of the jets engines so I was out of sight. I waited there until I herd a slight knock on the side and Sam came into my view.

"All clear." He whispered. I then climbed out and herd Simmons complaining. I turned around to see him drag a twitching Leo on the ground. "What did I tell you. Unbelievable." I mumbled as I started to jog over to where Sam and Mikaela where.

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