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"Um....," I said staring down at the three bodies. I think they might be dead.

Just as I think that thought one of them groans and rolls off of the pile. Followed by all three of them sitting up.

I backed up a little to stand in a straight line with Gemini and Libra. For two reasons. One, Hopefully this will block the few from outside the alley so that the fight doesn't continue out here. Two, So that I'm not standing in front. I really don't like having a lot of attention. And it seems like if I were standing in front of the two, I would have the majority of the attention. Actually the best thing to do would be to push one of my friend in front of me, but whatever. The three look at us blankly.

"What do we do?" Libra whispers backing up a little.

"No idea. Aqua?" Gemini asked backing up too. I sigh, once again I'm in the front.

"We could walk away," I suggest.

"Oh I like that Idea." Gemini says backing up more.

"Yep me too," Libra agrees beginning to back up more too.

"Great let's go." I pull me hood up and turn around to leave when the three princes got up.

"What? Hey wait you--." I didn't have time to hear more. The town bell ran seven times. Indicating it's seven o'clock. Meaning I need to leave.

"We have to go," I tell Gemini and Libra beginning to run. They nod and in agreement and the three of us run away from the three princes and the small shop.

✯ ✯ ♔♕ ✯

"Well that was close." I say breathing heavily as the three of us lay down on the floor of my bedroom.

"No kidding, now I better go home before my parents get worried. We don't want it to be like last time." Gemini joked getting up.

"For the last time. I don't know where that zebra came from!" Libra shouted in defence.

"Okay Libra sure. Bye guys."

"Bye." Me and Lib say in unison.

"So you leaving too?" I ask Libra.

"Nah, I think I gut need to cool down about this whole marriage thing. Away from my parents."

"Yeah I get it.... So, sleep over?"


"Sweet! I'll go get some sweets from the kitchen and I can ask the staff to perform a play like they used to do when we were kids." I tell her excitedly as I snatch a bag to carry the sweets in.

"Cool. I'll just hang here."

"Alright I'll be right back."

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