Chapter Eleven - Searching for Love

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I just wanted to take a moment to thank all my loyal thank you very much for sticking with my story!!!!    Please VOTE and comment, I would really appreciate that!! 

S    xo

Chapter Eleven

Returning to his sister’s ball, Lord Royce had only walked through the front doors to witness an extremely worried looking Lucas and Stephen.

“Royce, thank god I found you.   Clarissa is missing, we cannot find her anywhere”, stated Lucas.

“Come with me to my library.   Stephen, you may as well join us since you are Lady Clarissa’s guardian”. Royce said bitterly.

“What’s going on Royce?   Do you know where she is?” demanded Lucas.

“I just took her home Lucas” replied Royce.

“WHAT?.......WHY?     Is she ill?   My god, I wasn’t gone that long “, said Lucas.

“Lucas, you need to have a talk with Lady Celia again, she is the reason why I took Clarissa home,”  said Royce closing the door to his library from prying eyes and ears.

“What the hell is going on Lucas?” demanded Stephen.    “Is she still your mistress?   She better not be!   I will not have Clarissa be made a fool of”.

“No, Lady Celia is NOT my mistress, I ended it with her long time ago.   Well before I started courting Clarissa.  Royce, what the hell happened?”   Lucas said angrily.

“Lucas, you are not going to like what I have to tell you, but apparently Lady Celia told Clarissa that she was still warming your bed at night because apparently she knows that you and Clarissa have not yet been intimate,” Royce said.

“How dare she!!!” shouted Lucas.

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