3 - First Impression

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As the teacher arranged our seats.

"Briones, Franco. Castello, Saphira."

"Hi Seat mate! Good thing we're already friends now."

"Ahhh. . . I guess so?"

"Oh come on Saphira, being friends with a poor chap like me will not give you a virus. . . ."

He must have seen the change in my expression. His face showed sudden panic and his deamenor changed.

"Oh shit! Sorry, I did not mean it like that."

"Its okay. I'm used to it."

I should have been used to it by now but I still took my things and went out of the room towards the Girl's washroom before the tears poured down my face.

Being me everywhere else had its perks but being me at School is very painful. I was bullied a lot because they see me as a snob and a geek. Another reason for not having friends.

"Hey Castello! What's the matter? Senator Mommy can't save you from your tears?"

"Come on girls, I don't want to be in the same room as that drama queen!"

"If I know, she's crying because her big time daddy cannot give her the new car model she wants. Or she was not allowed to have another plastic surgery to fix her nose!"

"Rumor has it that she's not even a real Castello. She doesn't even fit the pretty name or the pretty face of her parents."

"Hey Castello, why the crying face? Did your imaginary boyfriend break up with you?"

"Let's go girls, we're going to be late for PE class which some snob here is allergic to. She doesn't even want to perspire or to even get tired. What a shame! She's missing all the fun."

Finally, the group of girls who always gave me hell, went out of the washroom and gave me some peace.

I cried so much that day. Not because of the hurtful things they said but because I was fed up that even a stranger who doesn't know me at all will think that I am a snob.

"Saphira? Can I come in?"

"Franco? What are you doing here?"

"Is that a yes?"

"No! I mean, no of course you can't come in. Why did you even follow me here? Please go away!"

"Look, Im sorry okay? I did not mean to imply anything, I did not mean it that way. I was only joking and I didn't know that you have issues here at school."

"I don't need your apologies. It was my fault to be affected. They may be right. I'm really a drama queen."

"Look, I heard them. Sorry, but I did. I'm just wondering why a pretty and intelligent girl like you lets herself be bullied that way?"

"Stop saying things that aren't true. Just leave me alone. Please just go away."

"Saphira. . . please."

"Please, you can't make me talk to you now. Just go."

"Alright, I will leave you alone for now, but just think of this, I am your friend now. Whether you want to or not. I proclaim myself as your new found friend. I would rather have one real friend here than a bunch of fake and fancy know-it-all like those girls. I hope you'll stop crying soon. I'm really sorry Saphira. I really am."

I skipped the rest of the classes that day. There were some days when I just need to pretend to be sick just to have a peace of mind, at home, away from the bullies that make my already lonely life more miserable.

There were nights I cried myself to sleep, hoping that I have someone to talk to. Someone to share my worries and fears. Someone to tell me I look awful when I cry. Someone to hold my hand and tell me that everything will turn out alright. Anyone. Just someone who will be my friend.  

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