36 - Present

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"Saphira! What's with that face?!"

"Oh Hi Rob. Just thinking about some things."

"If you're thinking about Franco again. . ."

"Stop. I know this is wrong and I promised not to be sad again but I can't help it."

"Saphira, he's just gone for. . ."

"Shhhh. I don't want to hear it Rob."

"If you want to be melodramatic like that, sure, I'll let you. But Im hungry come on let's eat. Franco will be mad at me if I don't take care of you."

"Are you sure you're okay with this Rob? I mean, you know how I feel about him and still you're here."

"Saphira, I already accepted the fact months before that I cannot replace Franco in your heart but I am still here to be your friend. Nothing will ever change that."

"Thank you Rob. You're such a good friend. I don't know how I could have survived these past months without your support."

"Silly, as if I was the only one here for you. You have . . ."

"Stop! I told you I don't want to hear that."

"So dramatic. Come on, I'll treat you to lunch."

Rob's POV

Acceptance is key to happiness.

When I first realized that Saphira will always belong to Franco, my heart felt like being cut into million pieces. But I know that time will come when the greatest love of my life will come and we will have our own love story.

For now, I am happy to be part of Franco and Saphira's journey.

If anyone could see Saphira now, they would think her loneliness is caused by heart break from someone's death. But I know better.

After the accident that almost took the life of two of my best friends, Franco and Saphira, the three of us realized that life is too short to be taken for granted. We vowed to always live our lives to the fullest.

Four months ago, Franco would have sacrificed his life for Saphira. He intercepted the knife intended for her and used his own body to shield her. This act of pure love and selflessness woke me up from my fantasy that someday I will be worthy to be with Saphira.

Everything was blurred after my fight with Agent Trey when he tried to take the gun from me but one thing I remembered was before Franco passed out from his fall, he glanced at Saphira first to check if she is okay.

The knife luckily did not hit any vital organs but his fall left a concussion on his head. He was in the hospital for two weeks because of that.

During those days, Saphira never left his side except to go to school. She would get all of Franco's homeworks and projects so they can work on it in the hospital while he recuperates. They also overcame Franco's problem with Madeleine which Saphira bravely faced once she learned what happened while she was away.

Saphira confronted Madeleine and the other girl ended up dropping out of school because of that supposed "hearbreak and failure".

Now, Franco traveled to Germany for a student's symposium for Honorary students. He is vying for Valedictorian alongside with Saphira but she ended up staying behind. She was still traumatized by what happened to her previously. Franco wanted me to go on his behalf but the school board did not allow it.

And so here is my girl best friend sulking just because she misses her other best friend who will just be away for a week.

They still haven't admitted how they feel but there is an understanding between them that they are exclusively for each other.

And here I am in the sidelines, waiting for that moment to happen. 

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