#2 - The Daughter of Khione

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#2 The Daughter of Khione



Silence. Quiet. No one spoke. Then being the Seaweed Brain that he is, Percy said, "That is probably the longest prophecy I have ever heard."

"Seriously, bro?" Jason raised his eyebrows and chuckled. Athena's voice came out again, "Stop squabbling. That is the new Great Prophecy. Good luck to all of you. You're going to need it."

With that, the shining light faded, the last of our connection to Olympus. From now on, we were on our own.


"Oh my gosh! Josie! You're going on a quest with the Seven! And Reyna, Nico, Will, Calypso! I can't believe that you're going on a quest with the celebrities of the second Titan and Giant War!" Josie's best friend, Kaitlyn Hickit, squealed in disbelief. Throwing her head back with laughter, Josie shook her head at Kaitlyn, "They may be heroes, but I'm sure they're just arrogant toe-rags." (Did anyone get my HP reference there??? XD)

While they were celebrating happily, Tracie Weatherhill, the bully of the Khione cabin, sashayed in. Snickers and sneers echoed amongst Josie's siblings. Everyone had, of course, heard how Athena herself had stated that Tracie was not worthy. That didn't really bother Josie. It was the fact that Athen had approved of her, so naturally, Tracie would try her best to embarrass the living lights out of the person who had caused her all that shame. And that was, guess who? Josie Adkins.

Every girl was jealous of Tracie's beautiful looks, though Josie thought that if she was a guy, cold but beautiful wouldn't really be her type. Unfortunately, many guys seemed to think the opposite.

Tracie's naturally platinum blond hair was in a braid that hung over her shoulder, and her pale skin was as white as snow. This was very unlike Josie, whose hair was brown and had tanned skin. Sometimes, she even wondered how her mother could have been the snow goddess Khione.

The only sign that she could have been a daughter of Khione, was the fact that whenever she was around other people, her brown hair always seemed platinum blond to them, and her skin would seem as white as snow. After being tired of her inability to fit in, Josie had decided that she would use her powers to change the fact that she was different. She would manipulate the Mist constantly, such that only the most special mortals, like Rachel Dare, could see through it, could see that she was completely different from all her other siblings. How did that mean that she was a daughter of Khione? Well, it meant that she was a fake, just like her mother.

After a celebratory dinner, Josie retired back to her room for a good night sleep. That's what she hoped for. Honestly, she tossed and turned the whole night, unable to fall into the land of dreams. Why did Athena choose her? Why her out of all the other demigods? The Stoll brothers would do well, or what about Katie Gardner? Heck, even Octavian from Camp Jupiter could have been chosen? But why her?

Josie knew that she wasn't special, that she was weird and different. Now, she was going on a quest with the heroes of the century, who were all amazingly talented and very attractive. For a mortal, it would like be going on a holiday with Taylor Swift, Angelina Jolie, Brad Pitt and One Direction. Sighing in defeat, Josie sat up in her bed. She scanned the room to see if anyone was awake. Of course, no one was awake at 11.30pm at night. Josie uncovered her duvet quietly, slipping out of her bed.

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