Chapter 31- Getting Braces?

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Brendon cleaned my mouth out with water and the suction, which made horrible slurping sounds inside my mouth. When he was done, he allowed me to spit and sat the chair back up. Brendon threw away his gloves but left the mask sitting below his chin. Was there more he wanted to do?
"Take a look" he smiled, handing me a mirror.
"Wow, they look so clean!" I felt so excited!
"I tried my best" he smiled. "We'll do some more cleaning next week. But for now, braces..."
I looked at him waiting for him to say more.
"You're positive you want them?" He was being very serious now.
I sighed "yes, I'm positive."
He stood up and grabbed a fresh pair of gloves, placing his mask back over his mouth.
My heart skipped a beat...
"You're putting them on now?!" I wailed.
Brendon laughed at me! "No silly! I'm going to quickly take a mould of your teeth to be sent to the lab. We can put your braces on in about 4 weeks."
I felt relieved!
Brendon laid the chair back and I was ready. However, the chair didn't lay back as far as usual.
"The mould is usually the worst part of anyone's journey with braces, but just bare with it, okay." He was comforting me.
I saw him walk over and stand beside me. He had two trays full of pink goop. It looked horrible!
"These will sit in your mouth for about 30 seconds" he said, tucking a fresh bib into my top. "Just breath through your nose, it will be fine."
I felt a panic attack about to take place but I kept brave, for Brendon.
The first tray was pressed up against my upper teeth and I started breathing very heavily. Brendon used one hand to hold my upper lips up so they didn't go into the mould, and once the tray was placed appropriately, he used his other hand to hold mine. Despite his hand being gloved, it still comforted me majorly.
These 30 seconds felt like the longest 30 seconds of my life. It was disgusting!
Brendon found it difficult removing the tray, but with a bit of tugging and pulling, I was finally free!
The second tray was just as bad, but Brendon was there for me so I felt okay.
Once everything was done, Brendon helped use tissue to clean myself up, removing the excess mould from my face.
What a horrible experience!

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