Plan B before A

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Authors Note: I know that Molly isn't in the show in season 3, I know she comes in season 4 but I love her character so much I decided to put her in now.

 in Carla's Pov

It has been four days since Bambi went on personally leave for his depression, I dropped him off at his therapists office and Turk will pick him up in about an hour or so. I wanted him to see Dr Clock, as Molly knows him and his story so she would be better to treat him, but he claims he doesn't want help, that he is fine and that Molly is to personal for him and thinks she would tell everyone his secrets. I wish he would get over his pride.

Turk isn't handling the situation very well, he doesn't speak much anymore, I know he is blaming himself for it when I know it isn't his fault. Elliot is continuing with life pretty well which really pisses me off. She has told Sean to hold off moving stuff in, not sure why but it still makes me mad that all she cares about is her boyfriend. 

Dr Cox however is acting different, he isn't the same with J.D gone. I know he cares for him, everyone does I don't understand why he can't just give a damn hug already, specially now.  Bambi has four months off thanks to Dr Cox trading in a month of weekends for him.  I noticed something on Bambi's arms this morning, scars. He also hasn't eaten since we found out, I really think I should tell someone but I don't know how. 

I see Molly sitting on her own singing to her lunch, I decide that she is the best person to help me with poor Bambi.  I sit down next to her, she swolles her lunch and says "Hi Carla" in her usual happy tone.  I give her a look so she knows somethings wrong without me having to say it, I hate saying it. "What's wrong Carla?" sounding concerned, I feel something in the back of my throat that really hurts and I know it's not prickle you get right before crying, I don't cry so I look away trying to fight, to stay strong, I need to be for Turk, for J.D. Molly walks around the table to sit next to me and puts her arm around me, she just simple says "He's going to be okay. I promise you, hes with an amazing therapist. He is very strong, he can get through this. I understand that you are always the one who is strong for everyone else but you need to remember that your human. What J.D is experiencing is not only horrible for himself but it effects everyone who cares about him, that is a lot of people Carla, everyone cares for him, loves him and they are all effected in some way about this. Remember you are not alone in this battle, talk to someone who loves him as much you do and i'm sure it will help." She kisses me on the head, she continues hugging me until the tears stop and I stand up to find Dr Cox "Thank you, Molly." She smiles back. 

On my way to find Dr Cox who I had find out was in the on call room, a place he has only  stepped foot in once when trying to hide from Jordan who was following him everywhere after he dumped her after finding out Jack was actually his kid.  I was walking past the nurses station when I saw a very red eyed Elliot walk out of the supply closet, I stop next to her and she tries to ignore my existence "Elliot honey, whats wrong?" I hold her hand as I see her about to cry again, she hugs me and I can barely understand what she says "It's the whole thing with J.D.... I can't believe how we never noticed how upset he was, how someone as happy and quirky as him can suddenly turn depressed and emotionless with no trace of personality. I realized it wasn't a sudden thing cause I slept with him and broke his fragile heart, it happened over time with every person who ever hurt, used and abused him. I can't believe someone as pure as him was destroyed by people, I don't understand why? Why did people do this to him? Why did I do it to him? I really do love him and truly believe his my soul mate, why did I hurt him so bad?" She was sobbing into my shoulder, I was rubbing her back trying to get her to calm down not caring about the various looks from passing people. Just when I thought things couldn't get any worse they did. Dr Cox came running out of the on call room , I yelled out to him and he said in a panic "They just found newbie past out in the street. They brought him in for testing, they are having trouble placing an iv due the scars that are covering his arms and they can't find a vain in his hand." Elliot became hysterical sliding down the wall, I could see that Dr Cox wanted to slap her to calm her down but he was to focused on the situation with Bambi so he just told me "Stay with her, get her to calm down, I'm going to see newbie and make sure no one else treats him but me, is that clear?" I nodded my head and returned focus to Elliot. 

I pulled her into the on call room and blocked the door with a chair so no one else would come in. I sat next to Elliot hugging her tight, I would try to talk to her but she wouldn't hear me. I just had to make sure she doesn't hyperventilate again. My plan A with this situation with Bambi was to tell Dr Cox about his scars and him not eating and we would tell his shrink that and he would get better. Plan B was this very situation, there was never another option other than A in my mind yet here we are living it. I really wanted to know what happened, Turk was meant to pick him up, how was he found past out in the street? I wondered if Turk knew yet, I hoped he didn't as he is struggling enough as it is, I also didn't want him panicking as he didn't know where his vanilla bear is. Before i could worry about Turk to much I had to get Elliot in a better state first. At least I knew no one would ask me how I am with this new development as I honestly don't know how I would answer that question specially since the image of his scars and his eyes when we last saw him were permanently stuck in my head, no matter how hard I tired I couldn't stop thinking about them. They went away when I connected the two images, his eyes told me he didn't want to live and his scars were a product of that, how did I not put that together earlier!? I had a pit in the bottom of my stomach, I had to get out and tell Dr Cox but Elliot was to emotional for me to leave, I paged him the info instead, it was my only option. And hope. 

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⏰ Last updated: May 12, 2016 ⏰

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