{6} "Who the dodo heck!?"

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The annoyed four were trudging through the halls yet again when they heard a crash and squawking in the room next to them to the left, a bedroom. The members excitedly threw the door open to the dimly-lit area, giddy to finally to be done with this stupid wild dodo chase. It was an absolute mess! With the expensive silk bedsheets completely destroyed, the vanity mirror shattered, and the furniture overturned, yet no dodo in sight. The confused members' faces looked to the side of the bed, where a shadowy, broom-wielding figure began to emerge. Suddenly, a small, fat, squawking figure jumped out from under the bed and headed for the door. The members barely reacted, missing their chance of catching the wild mascot, and too terrified of the evil shadow that had begun to walk toward them. They sighed with relief when the figure took shape to reveal the tall, red-haired Olivia, the newest member of the Dodo Buhd Clan.

"Can someone please explain who the dodo heck that was!?" she screeched, fixing her crooked black glasses. "That's just Dodo Pickles. He's our mascot. Unfortunately, he has been possessed. Not my fault.  Anyways, we're currently trying to catch him." Niya explained causally, the only one able to speak. "Hey Olivia, I didn't know you were back from your trip already." Lilli stated, also recovering. "Yeah, I got back last night. I'll tell you about my travels later, but right now, I hear we have a dodo to catch!" The four nodded at the fifth and headed out of the room to follow the bird's path of destruction.

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