Don't stare at what's mine

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Natsu was skipping down the sidewalk with Gray following him with a smile.

Gray noticed three pretty boys walking over and his eye twitched.

"Natsu," He called. Natsu turned back and stopped. "Hmm?" He questioned.

Gray raised his hand and wiggled it to indicate to come. Natsu slowly walked over.

Gray saw the pretty boys come closer and smirked. Gray brought Natsu closer and kissed him.

Natsu's eyes widened, but melted into the kiss. "Mmm..."

Gray saw the three boys walk away and let go. "Okay, they're gone"

Natsu heard that and stared at the males before them. "Oh... Gray," Natsu looked at Gray with a blank expression.

Gray looked over with a smug look, "What?" Natsu said with a sigh, "They weren't even staring at me"

A/N: This is based of a real life experience. Joyce (Juvia) and I were on a date and these girls were walking by, and Joyce kissed me. Of course, I was embarrassed, but when she told the reason why, I started dying

I said the same exact thing Natsu said, but I was cracking up instead. "That's not the point," she said. Oh god, that was hilarious!

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