The Mountain

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The stars shone brightly against the dark night sky. If times were different, I would have loved to stop and enjoy their beauty. But if I stopped now, they might find me. They might notice how I ran away to go to the mountain. They told me no one ever returned from the mountain, and I didn't want to come back. I reached the top of the mountain, and I took a moment to look at the stars one last time. I had always thought that us humans were a lot like the stars. Although the world was dark and gloomy, we all were still determined to shine brightly. Some shone brighter than others, and when we were hurting or going to die, we would shine the brightest so others would think all is well, but then... We die. After we die, our light carries on for a while, depending on how brightly we had been shining through our life. But eventually, our light ran out, and we were forgotten. But that's just how life is... It's always masking your feelings with fake happiness, filling other people's lives with false hope. A tear ran down my face, and I quickly wiped it away. It was time. I turned to the hole that was behind me. I slowly walked closer to it, but before I could look down into it, I tripped over a vine and fell into the hole. And I didn't scream, instead I accepted fate and let darkness take over as I hit the ground.

"Would you like me to read you a bedtime story, Frisk?" A woman asked, she seemed to be like some sort of goat lady. I sat beside her, nodding, and I got up and grabbed a book before sitting on the goat lady's lap. She laughed quietly and opened the book. "You really like this story, don't you Frisk?" She smiled warmly. "Once apon a time, there was a kingdom. It was a beautiful kingdom, but it was filled with monsters. The monsters were kind, however. They treated everyone nicely and were ruled by their king and queen, who were both loved by all the monsters. The king and queen had a son, whom they loved. Then, one day, a human wandered into their kingdom. The prince had quickly found the human and befriended them. The king and queen took in the human child as their own, and they were all very happy. But after a while, the human child fell ill. They had one last wish, to go back to their home and see the golden flowers that grew there. The prince said he would take her, but she died before they could get there. He still brought her body to her village, and set it in a patch of golden flowers. The villagers saw the dead child and thought that the monster prince had killed her, so they attacked him. However, he did not fight back. Instead, he smiled at them and left in silence. When he returned to the kingdom, he collapsed and died. The king and queen were filled with grief, and the king declared war on the humans. The queen did not think that violence was the answer, and tried to explain this to the king, but he would not listen. So the queen left, and the king felt terrible. He had lost his entire family in only a matter of days. Over the years, more humans would wander into the kingdom. But under the king's grief-stricken influence, the monsters would attack the humans. Every human that fell would be killed. But one day... A seventh human wandered into the kingdom. This human, however, was special. She had one thing the other humans didn't have. She had determination. Now this human, the first person she met seemed like a nice person, but was actually evil. They tried to kill the child. But the old queen had seen the child in need of help, and came to save her. She took the child in and gave her a home. They were both happy together, until one day... The human grew bored of the place she had stayed in. She asked to leave, so she could explore the kingdom. The queen knew that if she let the child leave, the child would die. She made the child fight her to prove that she could survive on her own. Eventually, the queen allowed the child to leave. They shared one last hug, before the child waved goodbye, tears streaming down her face as she left. The queen gave one last small smile as she waved goodbye to the child. The child walked out into the cold, snowy world, where she was greeted by a comedian. He told her jokes and talked about his brother, who was very cool. He helped the girl through his brother's puzzles, and helped her befriend his brother. Together, the three were very happy. Alas, the child had to continue on without them. They shared a solemn goodbye, before the child continued on their journey. The came apon a place that had beautiful blue flowers and many pools of water everywhere. She looked around, amused by all the amazing wonders around her. Then, a brave warrior approached her. The child greeted her with a smile and a wave, but this warrior worked for the king and wanted to kill the child. The child, however, would not let this happen. She talked to the warrior, and helped her when the warrior had needed help, even though the warrior had attempted to kill her. The warrior realized how kind the child was, and it reminded the warrior of their old friend. So the two talked for a while, before the child had to continue and bid the warrior farewell. The next place she went was hot and like a desert, and there she met a small dinosaur-like woman and a robot who wanted to be a star. The woman was shy and trying to help her, while the robot was trying to kill her. She didn't let this bother her, as she helped the woman realize that she needed to be brave, and she helped the robot realize that he didn't need to hurt people to get others to love him, as he was loved staying right where he was and by being himself. So the child said goodbye yet again, as she continued down her final stretch, she walked down the hallways that looked old and grey before entering a room that was golden. There she saw her friend, the comedian, who congratulated her for her kindness and perseverance. She gave him a smile as she continued on, walking into a room where the king stood, beside a throne of golden flowers. He smiled at her, tears in his eyes, as she reminded him of the human he had once called his daughter. He was about to fight her when a familiar person came running into the room. The queen had returned to stop them from fighting. Then, one by one, every monster in the kingdom entered the room, to stop their friend from fighting. But then, the enemy from the start of her journey came in, and he had captured everyone. But this child, using her determination, was able to defeat her enemy and save her friends, while restoring peace between the humans and monsters. Everyone was happy, but the child felt as if something was missing... So she went back, and she found the prince standing around a patch of golden flowers. The child reached out to him and saved him, and returned him to his family, so everyone could be happy. And for once, the child felt as if all was well in the world..." She finished, and I was asleep in her arms. She smiled to herself as she brought me to a bed, and told me goodnight before leaving. A small smile spread across my face as I remembered the journey of the human...

I woke up, lying in a patch of golden flowers. Surprisingly, I felt as if I hadn't been hurt at all by the fall. Being in this odd, new place...

It filled me with determination.

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