Chapter 1

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~Hey guys! I decided to start the story over again because, honestly, I didn't like it, and I had no idea where to go with it. So here it is, (for the second time... and hopefully the last...) 'In Or Out'~ <3-aubs5567

"I came across a fallen tree

I felt the branches of it looking at me

Is this the place we used to love?

Is this the place that I've been dreaming of

Oh simple thing, where have you gone

I'm getting old and I need something to rely on

So tell me when you're gonna let me in

I'm getting old and I need somewhere to begin

So if you have a minute why don't we go?

Talk about it somewhere only we know"

As the song ended, I found myself looking up at the branches of the willow tree that I found myself under so often. I remembered all the good times we had, just the two of us. I forced myself to tear my gaze away from the tree. The tree hadn't fallen, but our friendship had.

"It's all over Brenlee. Stop thinking about him." I scolded myself. I started to stand up until I felt a hand grasp my wrist. Even before my eyes snapped up to meet his, I knew that it was him. What I wasn't expecting to see was his eyes full of emotion rather than coldness, like I got used to over the past few months.

-six months earlier-

"Really Jake? It had to be her, didn't it?" I asked him, infuriated. I had just caught my best friend and my arch enemy, Serena making out in the hallway. I remembered how she gave me a smug smile, like she had win. Well she hasn't, I thought to myself.

"What do you mean Bren? Am I not allowed to talk to her? What do you even have against her?" he said, snapping me out of my thoughts.

I looked at him like he was crazy. "Talking would be one thing, Jake. Shoving your tongue down her throat? That's another. Plus, what do you mean what do I have against her? You were there to see everything that she put me through. But now I'm wondering if you were really my best friend considering you didnt even lift a finger when she put me through hell and back."

He ran his hand through his hair "Brenlee, you have no idea what I've done for you.'

"Oh, really? Like what?" I said bitterly.

"I... I... I can't tell you! Dang it Bren!" At this point, I was already walking away. I heard footsteps behind me, but soon, they were gone. I pushed through the students trying to get to the library. The library has always been a comfort of mine. You can escape your problems and enter another world. I picked up Mark of Athena and started reading. I faintly heard the bell ring out in the halls, but I didn't care. About 20 minutes later, a boy with glasses and a bunch of books comes in and collapses on the chair next to me.

"Tough day?" I ask him curiously.

"You have no idea." He mutters.

"Actually, I think I do." I smile weakly. He turns to look at me for the first time and goes wide eyed.

"Wait... Brenlee Larson?" I look at him, cocking my head to the side. I nod.

"Oh... I'm sorry! I'll... I'll go now." He says, as he fumbles with his books.

"Wait!" I call after him, genuinely confused. "What are you doing?"

"Well... I just thought that you know, you wouldn't want to talk to me, considering that you're one of the populars and I'm a nerd..." he trailed off. Wow. So that was what people thought of me. I mean, I may have been in the popular group because of Jake, but I'm not one of those shallow girls that you see in movies.

"I'm not that mean, you know..." I said, smiling goofily, trying to get him to like me. So what, I'm a pushover. Sue me. He quietly shook his head, and started walking away again.

"At least tell me your name." he turned around and smiled slightly.

"Charlie." And with that he was gone. I sighed, and picked up my book again. People started filling the library. I looked at the clock, and realized that school was over. I put the book back, picked up my bag and started walking to the exit. As I was walking, I saw people pointing at me. I tried to ignore them, since I knew that they were talking about the Jake incident earlier today. Apparently, we weren't the only ones in the hallway when we had our little screaming match. Even when I walked out of the suffocating library, I still got the stares of students that I passed by. Above the normal chatter of the halls, I heard one voice in particular. Serena.

"Who does she think she is? Just dragging Jake away from me? It's obvious that he doesn't even like her. She just holds him back from doing the things he really wants to do." her annoying, shrill voice pierced through the corridor. It was obvious that she was talking about me. At this point, tears were welling up in my eyes , but I blinked them back. I had to be strong. Then the last person I wanted to see came around the corner.

"Hey babe," he said, while kissing her check. "What are you talking about?"

'Oh nothing, just that slut that's been annoying you so often. What was her name? Brenda?" Jake looked like he was about to say something, but I didn't want to hear his answer. I started walking over to them. Once they saw me, Jakes eyes got wide, while Serena just smirked at me. Stay strong! I reminded myself.

"So Jake, that's all I've ever been? Just someone this holds you back? Well, go on! Live your life. Just don't include me in it." I spat out. I continued walking, until I heard my name being shouted. I almost turned around, but I walked out of the school with my head held high.

Thanks a bunch for all of you that read my first chapter! Love you all!

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