Chapter 4

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Chapter 4.

I was starting to think my life was a cliche book.(A.N. Abort mission!!! Character is becoming self aware!!!) Charlie said that he was having a "bad morning." Yeah, it took me a while to believe that one.

Still sitting under the willow tree, somehow we had shifted right next to each other. Our hands were almost touching, but never mind about that. Charlie explained a great idea for our project.

"I say that we split the class into three parts, the Executive, Legislative, and Judiciary branch. We can explain Checks and Balences by actually showing the class what it would be like to have a bill veto'd, or a law declared unconstitutional."(A.N. Sorry if I have any readers outside the US. That most likely made NO sense huh.) I thought the idea was perfect. Better than my idea, just a PowerPoint with some cool patriotic music in the backround...

Then of course, the bell had to ring, signaling that it was time to go back to class. I wish I could just sit under that tree forever with him.


To say my mood went downhill was an understatement. I got a D on my math test, and was picked last in P.E. But when I saw Charlie talking and smiling with a girl, I snapped. I honestly don't know why it bothered me so much, we were just friends. I've completely pushed any romantic feelings towards him out the window. I couldn't like him, he didn't even look at me most of the time.

Anyways, after I saw that, I managed to run home. I collapsed on my bed.

I sound like a stuck up brat, but I felt like I was always the second choice. Jake only stayed with me because of him promise. His popular friends made me feel like an outcast. They made me feel as if no one likes me. This year has been horrible to me. When I come into my classes, people trip me. Everyday I get weird looks for goodness knows why. I don't know what I'm doing wrong.

Even Hailey, my best friend is always keeping secrets from me. She has other friends, lots of them. Unlike me, who only has Jake. Maybe I can count Charlie as a friend? At this point I have no idea.

Tear welled up into my eyes. I curled up into my bed and let the tears flow. With how cliché things have been for me the past few days, I almost expected Jake to walk into my room and comfort me. I'm glad he didn't. I just needed to figure this out by myself.


"Ok this side of the class will be the Legislative branch, this side the Judicial. Evan, you're the Executive branch." I watched Charlie as he told everyone, with authority, how to assemble themselves and what exactly we would be doing. It was stunning how a boy could change this much. He has a powerful aura when speaking public ally, while on his own he shrinks back and tries not to be noticed.

I read scenarios off of cue cards while my classmates acted them out. For the past week, Charlie and I have met under that tree to work out the project. We had grown closer, as cheesy as that is. When we finished our presentation, I glanced over at Mr. Katcher, who had an impressed look on his face. I'm sure that we will get a good grade.

I walked back to the willow tree, like I have for the past week. Except this time, Charlie wasn't there. I sat down, thinking he was just waiting in the lunch line. After 10 minutes though, I got tired of sitting alone.

I walked over to the library, where I saw Charlie and that girl again. I decided to take my chances.

"Hey!" I greeted them both, walking towards where they were sitting. Charlie shot me a look I'd never seen from him before. Resent. I could feel my eyes widening in shock. After a second of standing there, I finally got the picture.

"I... Uh... Sorry I forgot something in the cafeteria." I walked away, but heard a voice giggling. "Wait! Are you Brenlee Larson?"

I turned around, and surely, it was the girl with Charlie that had spoken. Talk about déjà vu. I smiled and nodded. She gestured to the seat next to her. I sighed and looked to Charlie, who nodded slightly. He sure didn't want me there before, I wonder what changed.

"So what's a popular like you doing in the library full of nerds like me? Oh... I forgot to introduce myself! My name is Naomi." She held her hand out. I took it, semi reluctantly.

"Brenlee. Oh and I was just looking for Cha-" I remembered the look on his face when I walked in. "I mean a book. You haven't seen Maximum Ride anywhere around here, have you?" She gasped, and had the crazed fangirl look on her face. I would know that look from anywhere. She reached into her bag and pulled out the first book. It was worn and torn, the way a book should be. It was well read, that was obvious.

"This is my copy. You want to borrow it?" I nodded and smiled. I think I just made a new friend.


Sorry guys. Depressing day equals depressing chapter. I just had to get that out of me. Not proofread, but thanks for reading, and as always, happy writing!!!

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