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Katherine started getting mad. It was already 4 pm and Tyson still hadn't come to her. She knew he was keeping it in. She knew he really needed to let it out, so she was headed to his room. When she was about to go in she heard crashing and screaming. That made her want to go in more. If someone was hurting her big brother, they would have her to deal with. 

"Ty?" Kat asked when she came in. No reply, but she heard crying. Kat put her purse and everything down and hurried to the bedroom. The lamps were all broken and so was the window. There was glass everywhere. She looked over to the corner by a window and the bed and saw a figure all bloody. He looked up and sure enough it was Tyson crying."Ty!" Kat said rushing over to him. Kat was about to touch him, but he pulled away. "Go away!" he said. "Ty get up. I'm here to help you." Kat said. She picked up Tyson and looked at him. His clothes were all ripped and his hair was full of glass and he was all bloody. She didn't want to ask him any questions she just took some of his clothes and put his arm around her neck and carried him to her room. 

She laid him on her bed. "Hey, Ty are you ok?" he just nodded "Come on. You need to take a bath, and get some clean clothes on." she said. Kat knew he couldn't take a shower because he couldn't walk and he couldn't take a bath by himself right now. She got the water to a warm temperature and filled up the bath. Kat took off her brother's shirt and pants and put him in the bath. She was surprised how Tyson didn't have a girlfriend, she wasn't going to deny that he was hot and really sweet. He had a six pack. "Ty, I'm gonna rinse you off ok?" Kat asked but Tyson just nodded. She cleaned him off then got him out of the shower and dried him off. After, she let the bloody water drain out while she got him into the clothes she for him. His favorite black v- neck shirt and some shorts. Kat didn't really know what else to do so she laid him down on her bed under the covers. 

Kat knew she couldn't yell at him for being an idiot right now, so she tried to be a mom and use what he called her mommy tone. "Ty, have you eaten anything today?" she asked and he just shook his head. "I'm going to get you some food from the cafeteria, ok?" she asked as he nodded with a smile. She knew when he was angry or sad he would starve himself. 

Kat opened the door and found Josh standing there dressed up nice. "Kat, you ready to go?" Josh asked. She totally forgot about this "date". She was to busy being a mom for Tyson. "Uh, I have to deal with something really important right now Josh. Maybe we can reschedule?" she asked soothingly so Josh wouldn't get mad, but his face just got brighter. "Thank god. Yeah, I didn't really want to have you eat dinner with my mom and dad. Something would have gone wrong. Do you need help with anything?" Josh asked "No- actually can you maybe get some food from the cafeteria, I need to stay here." Katherine said "Yeah, sure." Josh asked and then left.

After Josh left, Kat went back to the bed to see Tyson. He was better, a little more conscious. "Ty? Ty do you feel a little better?" Kat asked back in her mommy tone. "Kat?" he asked "Yeah." she replied "Wh-what happened? Ow! Why do I hurt all over?" Tyson asked in a innocent voice making him sound childish. "I don't know. I came into your room, and your glass items were broken and there was glass all over the floor and you were all bloody and gross." Kat replied. "Oh. I'm really hungry, Kat." Tyson said clutching his stomach. "I know. Someone's bringing you food." Kat said "Don't tell anyone what I did ok?" Tyson said "I promise, Ty." Kat said and then she heard a knock at the door. 

"Josh, oh thank you so much." Kat said getting the plate from Josh. There was cut up chicken, green beans, and mashed potatoes,easy for Tyson to eat. "No, problem." Josh said and Katherine hugged Josh "Your the best. I love you-I mean." before Kat could say anything else Josh kissed her for what seemed like hours, but she knew it was only a few seconds. "I love you too." Josh said for only her to here. Kat was dazed until she heard Ty yell, "Kat, who is it!" in a childish voice still. "Kat, is that Tyson. You said it was important is he ok?" Josh said heading for the room but Kat stopped him. "He's fine Josh, I promise." she said, but Josh pushed passed her. "Kat?" Josh asked. "He got all cut up from glass he broke in his room and he was all bloody. I rinsed him off and the food is for him he's only a little conscious." Kat said "Why did he break glass?" Josh said. "He was mad and sad." Kat said "About what?" Josh asked " my mom's birthday. He's taking it really hard." Kat said "Oh, I'm so sorry." Josh said "Yeah, you can't tell anyone about this though." Kat said "I promise. I should go. Take care of him." Josh said then left. 

Kat got the plate of food and brought it in the bedroom and started feeding Tyson. "Why did you tell Josh?" Tyson asked as he swallowed some green beans. "I trust him, Ty." Kat said "Do you love him?" Tyson asked. "Yeah, I do." Kat asked.

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