I Promise To Make Things Right

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*Oliver's P.O.V*

Tour was almost over, it's been about two week's since I've talked ot Sierra. She won't give em a chance to work things out with her! Everytime I try to walk up to her she will run off or Krissy will stop me and just..not let me see her. Of all people I thought krissy would be helping me the fuck out! But she's not. I rubbed my face alittle and decided to finally get up out of bed and go for a walk. Everyone left before I woke up, probably went out for breakfast or something..I've been in a shit mood the past few days. I slipped on some shoes and step outside. Sighing heavily I started walking towards the stages. I stopped at You Me At Six stage..I haven't talked to Josh in forever. I honestly missed him, we did alot together and we were so close. We did a song too; I wonder if he still plays that song with anyone else. 

I was standing towards the back of the crowd so no one saw me, I didn't think I should go and stand side stage with how much Josh probably hates me. Another heavy sigh was realised as I decided to go off walking again. There was nothing to do..tour was only for another four days! After this I'm going back to the UK..I need to get Sierra to talk to me before this ends..or I may never have a chance like this again! I finally settled by a tree and just sat against it for the last few hours today. Before I knew it I was out.

"Oli? Oliver..?" I opened my eyes slowly and looked around and finally I saw Krissy kneeling down infront of me. I rubbed my eyes and sat up off the tree; stretching in my spot. "What are you doing over here?" She put her camera bags down by me and sat down. I looked at my phone; it was already twelve. I groaned alittle and looked over towards the stage where You me At Six were playing.

"I got up and walked around; watched a show and jsut..dozed off here." I sighed finally getting up from the ground and walked off. I heard Krissy grab her bag and run after me and wraped her arm around mine.

"Where do you think your going?" I looked at her questionably and shrugged walking toward my bus.

"I dozed off; I'm still pretty tired so i'm going to go back to bed. But in my own bunk." Before I knew it I was pulled back and away form the bus'. "What the fuck!" I yelled stumbling until I was bakc on my feet and speed walking. I tried pulling away from Krissy but when she wants you to go somewhere she has a fuckign death grip on you.

"Oh no you don't. We have somewhere to be in less than five minutes!" I groaned and went along with her. I wasn't going to get out of this in any way. She brought me to a..hotel building?

"Why are we here??" I asked in confusion. I didn't even think we were close to one of these.

"Just come on! We are meeting someone here!" SHe said alittle fastand dragged me to the elevator. 

"Where the fuck are we going Krissy!? I don't want to be meeting nyone! Everyone basiclly is mad at me! Let me jsut get through the last four days of this tour.." I finally yelled sliding down the wall of the elevator. We were going all the way to the top floor and it was taking alittle longer.

"Trust me god dammit! Fucking Hell; your going to thank me!" She yelled crossing her arms and moving to the corner of the elevator. I sighed and rubbed my face; I stood up and gave her a hug. Finally the door's opened and she grabbed my hand running out and down the hall til we go to a door.

"Ready?" She asked smiling. I nodded alittle and she opened the door letting me go in first. I wlaked in and looked around..I didn't see anyone here. I got closer to the window and looked down; wow we were really high up! I realized I heard a shower going and someone singing. It sounded oddly familiar but I turned aroudn and saw Krissy placing the chair infront fo the door and sitting down in it.

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