Chapter one

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"Laura?" my mother called.

"I'm coming Mama!" I ran through the back door into the house. Mama and Papa sat in the living room. They looked tense.

"Laura we need to tell you something. You know that you're special. You know that you can do things, that you're magic." I nod. From a young age I've been able to do things others can't. I can make water move, and I can solve problems, and I can breathe underwater and not get wet, and talk to horses, and make things move, and talk to snakes and sometimes when I'm angry or sad things burst into flames. I know that I'm a witch and a demigod. I know this. My mother is Lily Jackson, daughter of Harry and Ginny Weasley and my father is Luke Jackson, son of Percy and Annabeth Jackson.

"You're special amounts your friends- Ella and Rachel, aren't you?" Ella and Rachel are my friends from school. They can't do anything special. I nod. "But you're special amounts everyone, even other witches and demigods."


"Because you're both."


I walk along the train, trying to find an empty compartment, but everywhere is full. I see Danny, my cousin. He was adopted by my uncle Albus and his husband Scorpius (it was going to happen don't deny it).

"Can I-"

"Sorry Laura, I'm saving seats for my friends." Danny's in third year, so he already has friends at Hogwarts. I'm in first year. I had no one. Two people walk past me. They must be Danny's friends. One is tall and blonde, with sparkling green eyes. The other is is tall, but shorter than the other. He has brown hair and chocolate eyes.

"Hi," the blonde one says. "I'm Matt."

"I'm Laura," I say.

"Laura's just leaving, aren't you," Danny hints.

"She can stay, we don't mind," the brunette says. "I'm Ben."

"That's kind of you, but I really should go. It was nice to meet you." I head out of the compartment and continue my search for an empty compartment.

Finally I find one. It has a boy in it already, but I'm sure he won't mind.

"Hi," I say entering. "Do you mind if I sit here? Everywhere else is full."

"S-sure," the boy replies, and is if down opposite him.

"What's your name? I'm Laura."


"Is it your first year?" He nods. "Me too. My cousin's in third year. I doubt he'll help me though. He's a Gryffindor. What house do you want to be in?"

"I don't know. I-I never really th-thought about it."

"We better change into our robes. We'll arrive soon."


I stand quivering before the teacher's table. I feel the eyes of thousands of students staring at me. I gulp.

"Arun, Thomas." A boy walks forward and the hat is placed on his head. After a while it shouts;

"Hufflepuff!" and the boy goes to sit at a table full of clapping students. I look at the students and find Danny sitting at the Gryffindor table with Matt and Ben. Matt catches my eye and winks at me, and Ben smiles.

A few other students are called up to place the hat on their head. A girl called Philipa got Hufflepuff, Kate went to Gryffindor, Victor became a Ravenclaw.

"Izen, Kathy." A girl with blonde hair and green highlights went up and placed the hat on her hair.

"Slytherin!" The hat shouted.

"Jackson, Laura." I gulped again and made my way up the steps to a small stall. I hear whispers and see a wave of recollection across some of the older students' faces. So my parents ha been telling the truth. I was vaguely famous. I saw one if the teachers mutter something to another.

I sit on the stall and place the hat on my head.

'Very interesting, very interesting indeed,' a voice mutters in a corner of my brain.

'What's interesting?' I think to it.

'You're not just a witch are you?'

'No. I'm a demigod as well.'

'Hmm. So, where to put you? I can see you have a knack for mischief... You're definitely brave, and very loyal too, but your brains are astonishing! You are dyslexic though... Am I right?'


'Well even so... Yes yes.'

"Ravenclaw!" A table's students leaps to their feet and claps vigorously. I smile, placing the hat in the stool and walk over to the table, sitting down. I watch as the other students get sorted. A few more come to Ravenclaw, until it's Rowan's turn- the boy I met on the train. After a while the hat shouts;

"Ravenclaw!" I gin and call with the other students. Rowan comes to sit next to me. The headmaster, Professor Hagrid, makes a speech before the feast begins.

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⏰ Last updated: May 01, 2016 ⏰

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