'Hello my little pretty sun flowers, this week I'm going to show you what you can do with Iodine, A highly flammable mineral you can find in some foods, but I'm sure you used it once in chemistry. You may have done some of these experiments yourself once, or in chemistry class, I don't care if you did because I'm going to do them now. ' Draco says to the camera.
'The first experiment is the reaction between aluminum and Iodine, don't do this if you don't have access to a fume cupboard, because you will hurt yourself or get yourself killed, not that I care, but I would like to stay out of jail.'
The blonde picks up a plastic box with powder in it.
'This is 0,1 g aluminum powder'
He says and carefully places the box back on the white table.
'Make sure you have a heat resistant mat before doing this, because the floor of your fume cupboard will get very hot if you don't use one.' Draco explains and places the mat into the fume cupboard.
'A man in my class once didn't use a fire resistant mat an he touched the floor. It was quite funny, he burned his whole hand and the skin never healed. He screamed like a little girl whose leg was ripped off.' Draco tells the camera absentmindedly while he carefully installs everything he needs.
'He never came back, I guess he couldn't anyway, with his hands.'
'Ah, everything is set, let's start.' Draco says confidently.
'Grind 0.4 g iodine in the mortar.' Draco mutters to himself and does the action with a steady hand.
'Nothing mayor can go wrong with that, or you must be a giant oaf, but if you are, you shouldn't even try this.'
'Now mix it with 0.1 g aluminum powder and place the mixture on a small mound on the tin lid.'
'Again, if something is going wrong already you shouldn't be doing this.'
'Add one or two drops water with the teat pipet. If you add to little or to much there will be no reaction and that's highly dangerous, and then you will have to do a whole procedure blablabla I'm not going to explain that because mine won't go wrong. I'm not an idiot.'
The blonde adds the drops water and a purple cloud appears. The blonde crosses his arms and smirks proudly into the camera before looking admiringly back at the cloud.
'Look how beautiful it is!' He says full of enthusiasm for his favorite subject, which he chose to specialize in.
'It's almost as beautiful as watching sexy beach volleyballers during the sunset.'
Draco quickly turns the fume cupboard on and the substance erupts into flames and the purple cloud changes into white smoke.'This was the video for today, subscribe and like if you liked it, don't if you didn't. Bye!' The blonde ends the video and blows a stray of blond hair out of his eyes before he stops recording and takes his safety glasses off
Draco clears his chemistry lab and walks out of the small room after a few minutes. He carefully walks into the manor and tries to listen if his parents are anywhere near the stairs. He doesn't hear them, so he takes they aren't there. He quickly makes his way upstairs and falls down on his bed and opens his MacBook.
He opens his youtube channel and he's proud to see he reached the 700.000 subscribers, especially since he only started making videos when he got his master degree in chemistry, which Is about a year ago.It's kinda sad that he's 24 and still lives with his parents, but his parents are very strict and won't let him move out until he did everything they want him to do. Which is very much. too much. But Draco doesn't have to worry about that, because he knows that when he comes out to his parents they will throw him out anyway. Coming out to the internet is one thing, something he did half a year ago, but coming out to his parents is a whole other story.
He doesn't know what he will do if he is on his own; he never interacted with anyone other than his parents, and that we're just brief conversations. He was home-schooled and when he specialized in chemistry, he never talked to other people and concentrated on his work.

House of Youtube- Drarry
FanficHarry Potter youtuber AU In this story, Harry, Ron, Draco, Hermione, the twins, Pansy, Neville and Seamus are youtubers. Harry, Draco, Hermione, Pansy and Neville unexpectedly become roommates, and when an evil man called mr.Riddle tries to shut yo...