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I remember that in October the Elementary and middle schools would have red ribbon week. It was to be drug free or some type of bullshit like that.
Everyone knows that some point in your life pier pressure will get the best of you and you will see your-self smoking pot, or sniffing coke, or sniffing crushed up pills, Or taking pills.
Its all Billshit. The only reason kids liked it was because it would keep them out of that crapy ass uniforms for a whole week. Some kids were already doing drugs at the age of 6. But I thought I was diffrent. I grew up seeing that shit everyday.
The people I loved. To see the drugs take control of their body drived me crazy. As crazy As they were on the damn drug. It drove me absolutely insaine. I swore to my self that I would never do drugs. And I haven't broke that promise I made.
"Yoo Jackson , class already ended are you coming?". My eyes darted to the clock. "Yea sorry leo, I got distracted."
Grabing my phone I followed Leo out the door to Jason's car.

"Where too?"Grey asked. I always feel bad for ditching the rest of the day to go God knows where with the guys. Its just not my thing. I hate it. For once I would like to go to my next period and learn about whatever there learning about. But this is the popular life. Being the bad ass that every guy looks up too. And every girl wants you.
I should be greatfull that I'm in one of the most popular gangs at the school. But honestly I would trade a day with a nerd, just to see what's happing in the world of language arts, or what happened on December 26,1776 in history, I just want a normal day, being a normal teenager.

"Earth to Jackson!. Your spacing out on us again!!." I tend to do that a lot. Space out. My mind tarvles to different things and I forget about my surroundings and everything That's going on around me.

Its crazy how I can--- "Look His doing it again" they cut me off from my thoughts. "Sorry what did you ask?" They seem to be annoyed with my mind traveling everywhere when ever they try to speek to me But I can't help it.

"We asked what you wanted to eat"Grey said laughing."Oh um I'm good. But since you asked, pizza pro's" They all cheer in agreement.

Why are they called roll-- A girl with black long hair cuts me off from my thoughts.

" I dought any of us have the answer yo your question try asking Google maybe you'll get somewhere online. And i see you listen to Ed sherrien huh?."the girl says

"What if you guys nor google have the answer to my question? Are you positive google has my answers?"She laughs." Your such a dork." She says with a smile then turns around ready to leave.

"Wait.. I mean um," I scratch the back of my head" I didn't catch a name". I'm so awkward I swear. "That's because i didn't give you one. But since you asked it's Kassidy Addison."

Who names there child Addison?. Very unique. Strange but unique."My dad named me. And thanks for the complement. I appreciate it." kassidy says with a smile. " I really needa stop that." I chuckle"Um I'm Jackson, Jackson Williams,is Addison your lastname?".

The thought of Her last name being Addison is weird. A good weird. That would be a cool last name. "Haha no it's not my last name"Her eyes dart to something behind me. "Kassy, lets go" Samantha demands. Kassidy leaves with out saying goodbye.

I slouch back on my chair and they exit the building. I wonder what school she goes too. I'm supprised she didn't know me. I am really popular. Maybe she's new here. Ima look more into her, maybe Joe or grey should know. Hopefully. Maybe I'll find her on facebook. Nahh that's catfish or something. Its wierd.

"Earth to Jackson. Were leaving already. You coming or what?".
I stair at the clock in my room that reads 2:34am.

My mind is only one one thing and I really don't need it to be.

(I honestly didnt like this chapter but hope you enjoyed)

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