Chapter 22 - Homecoming

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Gen slipped her key into the deadbolt and turned it as quietly as she could. It was just after 8am and she was sure Rachel would be sound asleep. Their pale green hallway greeted her in silence, California sunlight dancing on the walls. Taylor had asked her to come back to his place to catch up on sleep but she had insisted he drop her back at her apartment. She needed her own bed and her own space to get her head back together after an emotionally exhausting and physically draining week abroad. She tiptoed towards her room and slipped inside, sighing with relief as she dropped her bag by the laundry hamper and slid off her shoes. She couldn't get into her bed fast enough. Pulling the cool, crisp duvet over her weary body she slid almost immediately into a deep sleep.


She awoke with a start as she felt the bed shift beneath her abruptly, opening her eyes to a grinning redhead.

"Oh hey there, stranger!" Rachel whispered to her drowsy friend.

Gen's face broke into a wild smile and she wrapped her arms around Rachel's neck.

"Thank God! At last!"

"I've been waiting for you to wake up all day. I got impatient."

"What time is it?" Gen yawned, rolling onto her back.

"It's almost 4."

Gen shot up quickly. "Are you serious? Oh my God. Fucking jet lag!" She turned to Rachel and pouted. "Now I don't get to hang out with you!"

"Why not?"

"Don't you have to leave for the bar in like 15 minutes?"

A sly grin crossed Rachel's face. "Obviously I took it off work, D-bag. We have dinner reservations in Hermosa."

"At Abigail?" Gen squealed hopefully, naming to their favorite restaurant in the south bay. Rachel nodded and Gen threw her arms around her friend once again. "I love you! I'm never leaving you again!"

"I should hope not. Apparently you get into nothing but trouble when I'm not around."

Gen opened her mouth to respond but Rachel stopped her. "Not yet. Go shower and get beautiful, that conversation requires wine."

"There's not enough wine in California..."


Gen laughed and did as she was told, leaping out of bed and scurrying down the hall to the bathroom.

Just over an hour later they were looking over their menus at a seat by the windows. The sun was lowering over the ocean in the distance and Gen smiled at the view, genuinely happy to be home in LA and with her best friend. Their server returned with the bottle of red they had ordered and began the song and dance of showing them the label and uncorking it skillfully.

"Skip the taste test, handsome," Rachel winked at him. "Just fill the glasses to the rim."

He laughed and did just that, taking their food orders and leaving with a grin.

"And another one bites the dust," Gen laughed, watching him as he glanced back over his shoulder. "How do you make all men fall in love with you instantly?"

"After the week you've had I feel like you don't need much advice in that department," Rachel replied. She nodded at Gen's glass. "Take a swig and spill. Immediately."

Gen sighed heavily and took a large sip of her wine, diving headfirst into the drama the week had provided while Rachel listened attentively.

"So did you hear from him again after that dramatic courtyard schpiel?"

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