Chapter 1

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Hi, everyone. I'm Abigail and I like reading, writing, and cursing in German (yeah I know, weird pastime, but, hey, it's fun and it's a whole lot cooler than cursing in English). Thanks for taking the time for reading my fan fic Old Rivals, although I doubt that you guys are even reading this far seeing as I have probably gone over you introduction attention span by, like 50 words. I apologize if not all my details are accurate. This is my first fan fiction and I'm not sure if I'm doing okay so far. Please comment if I get something wrong. Thanks for reading!

"Are you sure you've got everything?" Harry asks me again.
I laugh. "You've asked me that, like, a million times already!"
"Just making sure. Here we are," he says as we come up to the wall between platforms nine and ten. Ginny walks up to us. She's pushing Lily's stroller with one hand and clutching Albus's hand hand with the other. Harry is holding James's hand.
"Go on, Teddy," Harry says, gesturing towards the wall.
"So I just sort of run at it?" I ask, turning to face Harry and Ginny.
"Yup," Harry says, and Ginny gives me an encouraging smile.
"We'll meet you on the other side," she says.
I slowly start jogging towards the wall, pushing my trolley in front of me. And then suddenly I'm through. Let me just say, it's weird to go through a wall. You feel like you're going to crash into it and you brace yourself but instead you go into it and then come out the other side. Very weird indeed.
Harry, Ginny, and the little ones suddenly appear next to me. Harry checks his watch.
"We made great time, " he says "the Hogwarts Express leaves in ten minutes"
"I guess not everyone has a flying car to take them to school," I say, grinning at Harry.
He smiles back at me "oh yeah, that was fantastic!"
"Harry!" Ginny says sternly.
Harry puts his fake-serious look on and clears his his throat "I mean, that was a terrible experience, Teddy and you must never do anything like that."
I giggle and look around. There are people everywhere ; hugging family members, meeting up with friends, proudly straightening prefect badges, pushing around trolleys with owls and cats sitting on them. I smile and look at my barred owl, Nymphadora. She looks very happy sleeping in her cage.
"Oh, there they are!" exclaims Ginny. We make our way over to where Ron and Hermione are standing. Hermione is holding Rose by the hand and little Hugo in her arms.
"I go to Hogwarts with Teddy?" Rose says. I laugh and ruffle her short hair.
"Nine more years, Rosie, just nine more years." 
Ron puts his hand on my shoulder "excited?"  I nod.
"Now, are you sure you've got everything?" Hermione asks me.
"Why does everyone keep asking me that?" I wonder out loud.
The adults laugh, even though I don't know why. Rose runs over to Albus's and they start talking about whatever it is that 2-year-olds talk about. American politics perhaps? 
A whistle sounds. "That's our five minute warning," Harry says.
I hug Hermione and Hugo first and then Ron. "Now, don't get detention too early, Ted!" Ron whispers to me.
"Ronald!" Hermione scolds "Don't go scaring the poor child!"
I giggle and walk over to the little group that James, Albus, and Rose have formed and give them each a hug. Then I walk over to Lily, who is really just a newborn and will probably never remember this moment. But I give her a small kiss on the cheek anyway. Next I hug Ginny and she gives me an extra squeeze.
I save my last hug for Harry. "I'm gonna miss you, kiddo," he says. Harry holds on for an extra few seconds and then finally lets me go.
"Love you, Teddy," he whispers.
I head towards the train. "Write every day!" Ginny calls after me.
"Well maybe not EVERY day......" Hermione says.
"Three times a week," Ron concludes. Harry just smiles proudly.
I step on to the train and start walking past seats. Every seat I pass is filled to the brim with kids. I keep walking and finally reach a seat with only one boy in it.
"May I sit here?" I ask him. He nods. "Thanks." I sit down as the train starts leaving the station. I look out the window to see Harry and Ginny waving at me. I wave back until the train leaves the station. I feel my hair start turning blue. It changes color with my emotions but I'm working to try and control it (metamorphmagus. I get it from my mom). I shake my head to return it to its usual brown.
"Did your hair just turn blue?" My seat partner asks.
"Yeah, it does that," I say, kind of embarrassed.
"Leo Wood," he says, extending a hand. (AN I'm pretty sure you guys know who his father is and if you don't, may I politely inquire, is the rock that you have been living under very comfortable?)
"Teddy Lupin," I say, shaking it.

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