Chapter 3

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We advance up the, seemingly endless, staircase. Candles flicker welcoming lot at us (A/N I'm not sure how a candle can flicker WELCOMINGLY but just roll with it). Ever now and then, we pass a suit of armor, and it waves to us.
Finally arriving at the top, I can see Professor McGonagall standing with a white scroll in hand in front of a set of double doors.
"Welcome, first years," her eyes scanning from one side of the group to the other "In a few moments, we will be entering the Great Hall, and you will be sorted into one of the four houses: Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw, or Slytherin." I feel Leo nervously shift from one foot to the other beside me. "Over the course of the year, you may gain or lose points for your house, depending on your behavior."
She clicks her fingers and the doors open. We all gasp as we follow her into the Great Hall. We look around, taking in everything about the huge, brightly lit room; the lights floating all by themselves on the ceiling, the hundreds of students seated at the four long tables, the four tapestries, two on each side of the room, one red, one green, one yellow, and one blue.
We are led to the front of the room, where there is a stool standing on a small raised platform. On the stool sits the sorting hat. I can barely hear the hat's song. I'm too busy looking around, observing everything about the Great Hall. Before I know it, Professor McGonagall is calling the first student to be sorted.
"Melissa Abberley"
The Sorting Hat sits on her head for a moment before calling out "Ravenclaw!"
Cheers are heard from across the Ravenclaw table and a smiling Melissa runs to join them. More people are sorted and the tables gradually receive more new first years.
"Errol Flint" McGonagall calls. Soon after being placed on the boys head, the hat shouts "Slytherin!"
"Like father, like son" Leo whispers to me.
"What do you mean?"
"His father was the Slytherin quidditch captain, opposing my father"
I think about that for a few minutes. It must be great to watch your legacy unfold, to see your children carrying on your memory. My parents never got to see that.
"Teddy Lupin" I am jolted back to reality as McGonagall calls my name. I see a shadow if emotion cross her face, but it leaves just as quickly. I take a deep breath and nervously walk up on to the podium.

Okay then.
Thoughts? Questions?
Totally unrelated grievances about life that you need to share with someone?  My door is always open.

Sorry for the long time between updates. School has been taking over my life. But, I'm graduating eighth grade tomorrow so I should be free soon.
Don't die, people.

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