Riding With The Boys 33

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Chapter Thirty-Three

I couldn't have known then how bad the rest of my day would turn out. I should have expected it. A bikini shot of me advertising sex was now all over the school. It couldn't exactly get worse. Right?


Because in second period, school administration got wind of the whole situation, and right in the middle of class our PA buzzed to life and announced to my teacher over the intercom to send me to the principal's office and to bring all my things.

Discretion. Roget Hills High School knew nothing about it.

I got to the front office, and gave the secretary my name.

"Oh, yes, Principal Geary is waiting for you," she said. "Go right in." Her tone was so grim, you'd think I was in trouble about something. I mean, what the hell had I done?

"Thank you," I replied, then walked to my principal's open door. Peaking in, I saw him behind his desk.

"Miss Martin, come in," he said. So I did, but I did it nervously. I walked over to his desk, and immediately saw my 'flyers' lying there. Now I knew why I was here.

"Have a seat, Miss Martin," he said. So I did. He sat across from me with his fingers laced, and he leaned forward. Then he sighed and picked up one of the flyers. "Miss Martin, I'm sure you've seen these."

I nodded. "Yes, sir."

"I hope you're aware that this sort of thing is highly unacceptable on school property. It won't be tolerated and quite frankly, I'm very surprised. I've phoned your parents and they're on their way. Is there anything you'd like to say before they arrive?"

Wait a minute. Was he blaming me for this? There was no way I was in trouble for these flyers. And he'd called my parents.

Astonished, I placed a shaky hand on my chest. "Principal Geary. These flyers. You can't think that I actually made these. Or passed them out. These are humulating."

I couldn't believe this.

Principal Geary looked surprised. "So you don't know how these flyers got in everyone's lockers?"

I sighed. "I have an idea."

So I told him about Becca, and I told him about the Facebook messages. I also showed them to him as proof. He was just about to call her into his office when my parents arrived. Both of them.

God, why did he have to call them?

"Sophia," my mother sighed.

"Mr. and Mrs. Martin," Principal Geary said, rising to his feet. He reached across the desk to shake hands with my parents. "Glad you could come. Mr. Martin, I don't think we've met."

My father shook his head. "No, sir, we haven't."

"This is the second time I've been called," my mother stated, glaring at me.

"Well, have a seat, and we can get this all cleared up, hopefully."

So they did, and Principal Geary gave them copies of the flyers. My father remained silent as he looked it over. My mother, not so much.

"What in the world?" she asked. "What is this?"

Principal Geary sighed. "This is in every locker in the school, I'm afraid to say."

My mother whipped her head in my direction. "Sophia? What is this about?"

"I didn't make these," I said. "They were all over the school when I got here."

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