Cakes and Vocaloid

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Ran: Amy, Eric, where's Scarlet?

Amy/Eric: I don't know- Jinx! You owe me a chocolate bar! Jinx! Jinx!

Arny: *sighs and give them both chocolate bars*

Alberto: *tugs Arny's coat* I want some, dad.

Arny: *smiles and gives him some*

Karla: So where could she be?

Salma: Hey! I just found this CD, lets listen to it.

Francis: What's that on the cover?

Jelsa: It looks like Japanese.

Naomi: It says 'Vocaloid Songs'.

Ran: Vocaloid, I didn't know she listened to that.

Alfred: Let's listen to it!!!

Salma: *puts it in the DVD*

DVD: *plays song*

Scarlet: *rushes inside the room* Where is he!!!

Francis: Who?

Scarlet: Len Kagamine!! I heard 'Butterfly in your right shoulder'!!

Salma: Looks like Alfred has a rival now.

Alfred: *glares at Salma and stops the DVD*

Scarlet: *doesn't notice, looks around and just found the DVD with the CD* So he's not here?

The kids: nope

Scarlet: *le awesome facepalm* Kids, I made some chocolate cake, eat it.

The kids: *rush out*

Scarlet: I hate you guys for playing that.

Alfred: Sooooooooooo.... Who's this Lin Kalenine?

Scarlet: It's Len Kagamine and he's a vocaloid!

Naomi: Anywho, are you going to publish anything?

Scarlet: No, I had to finalize characters for Collide.

Jelsa: *plays the music and World is Mine plays*

Alfred: really??? *clearly pissed off*

Francis: *laughs* Maybe

Scarlet: I'll be at my study! *goes outside, but comes right back and takes the CD* I'm taking this *leaves*

Alfred: Who's this Len Kagamine anyway? He can't be better than the hero.

Everyone else: *laughs*

Alfred: What?

Salma: Oh, I don't about you, buddy.

Naomi: I'm sure Len has more fans.

Jelsa: Besides, I don't get why you're so pissed off by this- *gasp*

Karla: Alfred... You're not jealous... Are you?

Alfred: *blushes* N-no!! Why would I?

Francis: *looks at Alfred in the eye* Yup, he's jealous!!

Ran: Don't worry, bro. I'm sure she's just a new fan of vocaloid.

Alfred: *whispers* I sure hope so...

Everyone: What was that?? *giggles*

Alfred: *looks away* Nothing.

Extended ending~

The kids: *walks in with a plate* Hi...

Salma: What's wrong?

Naomi: Why do you have a empty plate with you?

Amy: Hehehe~ We wanted to share the cake with you po.

Eric: But we accidentally eat everything on the way here...

Alberto: *nods*

Ran: You two *points at Amy and Eric* Are like your mother, like she literally did that before.

Francis: Ohhh!! When??

Scarlet: *yells from her study* Ran! Don't tell them about that!

Ran: Fine!


So yeah, I'm bored so I made this random chapter. Len is so cute and his voice is amazing and ahhh!!!

I think my friend CJ just opened the vocaloid door for me... Wait a minute, that was a long time ago! Oh well!! Hehehe!!

I can't finish Salma's dares cause it's so many!!! And I have to ask everyone about it!!! And I DON'T WANT TO CHANGE MY WATTPAD!!

But I have to, cause it's a dare... *sulks in a corner*

Amy: *with chocolate in her face* Mom is also making special chapters on Wattpad Pairings

Alberto: *wipes Amy's face with a towel* Wipe your face after eating..

Amy: Thanks Alberto!! *hugs him and buries her face in his shoulder*

Alberto: *blushing and hugs back*

Me: *takes a pic and whispers* I ship it~

Amy and Alberto: What???

Me: Nothing!!! Bye guys!!!

Everyone: Bye!!!

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