2: Stalking

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Jess's point of view


it was know 12 and the bar closes in an hour Justin was still here with his mates.....why cant he just leave and not come back I hate him for what he did, I was bought out of my thoughts by a lad waiting for me to take his order

"sorry what can I get you?"

"a double shot and one for yourself beautiful"

I could tell this guy was drunk but it was a rule in this bar if a customer offered to buy you a drink you take it "thanks that's 5:50 please"

he gave me his money and I gave him his change and made 2 double shots, one for me and one for him when I was downing the shot I saw Justin out the corner of my eye smiling I finshed drinking and shot him a glare

"Jess you can get off now" Claire my boss said

"thanks see you tomorrow"

I grabbed my coat and my pay for the night and walked out, I was walking down the street when someone called my name "jess wait!!" I turned around and saw the last person I wonna see

Justin's point of view

I saw jess leaving I guess her shift was over, this was my chance to speak to her...I thought I would never see her again but I have so I need to follow her

"boys ive gotta go"

"why" za said

"ermm im not feeling to good think I ate some bad food earlier"

"okay bye man" ryan said

"bye guys"

I walked out of the bar then followed jess and shouted her name " jess wait!!"

she turned around and had a look on her face saying she really didn't wonna speak to me

"Justin ive not got time ive got to go ive erm ive got ermm ive got work tomorrow"

"don't lie to me jess and just let me talk"

"but I don't wonna talk to you"

"well too bad now please can we go somewhere private Its a long story"

"no Justin I told you now just leave me alone" she said and then walked away but I grabbed her arm she looked down at her arm then at me

"sorry just please 5 minutes" I begged

"5 minutes...I live around the corner" she sighed

Jess's point of view

I did mean it when I told Justin I love him when we were dating and I still do because he was always have a place in my heart he was my first proper real love and ill never forget the things we went through but that place in my heart is somewhere at the bottom of my heart because I know he doesn't mean what he says

we walked into my apartment and Justin sat down on the couch I kicked my shoes off and sat on the chair opposite the couch because quite frankly I don't wonna be near him

"jess listen it wasn't what it looked like"

"then what was it Justin"

"I don't know"

"do you either remember what you done because all im hearing on the tv and radio about you is that your drunk or your smoking pot so to be honest your pretty out of your head most of the time"


"that's it you blown it now get out"

"no jess please just let me explain you were saying this stuff and it wasn't true"

"no what you don't understand is their is a baby next door and I don't appreciate having my neighbour baby boy woken up who also happens to be my friend so get out"

"im sorry I didn't know what I was thinking I was confused and Stacey was there and one thing led to another and"

"save it Justin just go"

"fine" he put his hands up in defence and put a piece of paper down on the table and walked out

I plonked down on the sofa and tears fell down my face as much as I hate to admit it im not completely over him, tomorrow night will be my last night at work so I decided to call in sick because after that I had 2 weeks holiday so I was just going to go to my aunties but unfortunately its a few houses down from Justin I got up and decided I was going to write a song

' I don't like to be alone in the night

and I don't like to hear im wrong when im right

and I don't like to have the rain on my shoes

but I do love you

but I do love you'


UPDATEDDD sorry for the wait

Our Complicated Love Is Forever (sequel to Toronto Academy)BLSWhere stories live. Discover now