To Scream or not to Scream?

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Well, of course he screamed.

I should have expected it, but I kinda got used to Tiberius over the years. And considering the fact that I created him, I don't feel creeped out at all. But Lorcan... well, he's scared of clowns, so... what would one expect? And no, I'm going to be clear that Tiberius is not a psychotic make up clad circus freak, but instead he's beautiful in his way cuz God makes no mistakes. He's on the right track, baby he was born this way. And by God, I meant me, cuz well... I did create him.

Am I going to far? All right, I am going too far- but hey, wouldn't you break out into a Lady GaGa song when the chance was sitting right in front of you? You wouldn't? You're just weird.

I clap a hand over his open mouth and hiss a quick shut up, while I hear the swiftly advancing footsteps down to the infirmary. The doors burst open and a nurse hurries in, her face twisted up in worry.

"What happened?" She immediately cries. "Are you okay?" She spots me and rushes to my side, grabbing the arm which isn't clasping Lorcan's face. I slowly bring down my hand from around his neck and yank my other one away from her. I don't like people I don't know touching me. I don't like people touching me. I don't like people. And I don't like touches.

Well, you're awake," she mutters after she lets go of my hand, frowning. She then reaches over to the table next to me, and while she does so, she goes through- literally through- Tiberius, who sits on the bed next to me, a spindly hand of his clutching his hair. I don't really think he's used to people reaching through his small intestines for chicken soup. I wonder what the chicken soup tastes like.

"This is for you," she says, happily laying it into my lap and I clasp my hands around the hot bowl.
"And you, young man," she exclaims, huffing and turning towards Lorcan, wagging a threatening finger at him. "You are in an infirmary, the Aruda infirmary that to, and you will behave! Screaming the roofs down just because your girlfriend is awake. Where are your manners!" She scolds. Although she says this with a twinge of annoyance, I can see that it's no big deal to her. She was just happy that he cared.

Lorcan, on the other hand, completely ignores her and continues staring at Tiberius with an open mouth. Tiberius just grins and lays back on the bed and strikes an... interesting pose, winking at Lorcan and running his tongue over his teeth. Lorcan gulps, looking alarmed and turns to the annoyed nurse, who now gives him an angry poke on his side. "Ow," he mutters, and sheepishly ducks his head. "Sorry. Won't do it again."

The nurse nods. "I'm Nurse Lydia. You lot can call me Lydia, though," she adds, cheerfully as she plops a hot water bag down on to my feet. "I'm going to call Lord Aruda and tell him his guests are all awake and ready. He'll be down in five minutes or ten. He wants a word with you two." She says this and turns to leave.

"Nurse- Lydia? Lydia?" I pipe up. She turns around, her sand coloured face curious. "What is it, darling?"

Darling. I resist a shudder and continue. "Would you tell the Lord that he can take his time coming down?" I ask. I really need to get things through with Lorcan.

She gives me a sympathetic look and nods. "Of course. I see that you need to have a chat with your boyfriend here, right?" She says this and exits.

Boyfriend? Like, what? I'm thirteen! I don't want a boyfriend! And, not to mention, I'm a strong independent woman, who does not need a man.

"He's not my boyfriend!" I call out behind her as her skirt swishes away out through the now closed door.

Tiberius chuckles and wipes an imaginary tear from his eye. "Young love," he mutters, giving a granny like wheeze before grinning wickedly. I scowl and ignore him as I turn to Lorcan. I run a thumb inside his palm. "Hey. You okay?"

Tiara Sparks and the Maid of MelancholyWhere stories live. Discover now