The Phoenix Academy (Part I)

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"Good morning, all you happy, happy people! All first timers assemble to the left, and all you oldies crawl back to your houses! No wandering, I tell you! All the wanderers will be-"

"Shut up!"

"We don't need your rules!"

"Get a life, will you?"

The older kids snicker, yell a few nasty words and slump away, giggling and chatting amongst themselves. Vivi waves us a tiny goodbye and hurries away behind her foul mouthed brother towards the departing group.

The tour guide opens his mouth and closes it, unable to find a reply. Looking slightly harassed, he bats away a blush of humiliation from his cheeks and shakes his head."They... they always treat me like this, you know we're... we're best buddies, me and the... uh, seniors. This is our way of... well... chilling!"

We awkwardly nod our heads and look away as the guide pretends not be hurt by their behavior. "I'm Bell," he says, extending his hand towards us. When none of us shake his hand he smiles sadly. "Too many of you for that... what was I thinking? Stupid, stupid..." he coughs, his plump face red from the morning wind. He is round and happy looking, with wiry blonde hair plastered to his forehead. He raises his hands over his head and waves at the Servers behind us.

"Take their luggage and leave it in the Guest House. And stay there! Don't wander! Wanderers will be-" What will happen to the wanderers, we'll never know, as the Servers give a mighty, dismissive grunt, pick up our bags –which happen to be mostly just well packed backpacks- and make their way down to the village below us.

Bell gives us a quick makeshift smile and tugs at his jacket. "Well, let's not waste our time now, shall we? You lot have a city to see, you young Sclerics. Come along, now!"

I look at Lorcan, who shrugs and follows our poor guide as he jabbers on about the landscape and whatnot. We are led down more coniferous stretches of land, down the slopes of what is North Sclericity. Sclericty is different. Not only because of the untouched nature, but also because of the atmosphere around us. There is something heavy and mystical in the air, like a fine silvery curtain of sheen.

The nature surrounding our little group is hypnotizing. I shut my eyes and inhale. The gurgle of stream, the rustle of leaves, the crunching of grass under our feet and the soft murmurs of the woodland animals float into my ears, immobilizing my feet and the cool breeze lifting me, giving me the feeling of drifting away, becoming one with the nature, and-

A burning hot hand encircles my wrist and tugs, snapping me out of reverie. My eyes snap open and I shake my head, giving myself a head rush. I look down into the serious silvery blue eyes of Skander, who seems to be staring into mine with much intensity. Although I am a few good inches taller than him, his focused gaze demands for my attention.

"Don't. The woods are enchanted to hypnotize. The nature literally flirts with you, and calls you into them. The woods will do you no harm, it will nurture and take care of you, until you become one of its own. Gradually, you'll turn into a nature spirit- a nymph, or a sprite," he says, his voice grave. "Not all who wander are lost, you know, but all who wander are gone," he continues, his eyes sad and soft. "Look around."

I twist around and watch, as a few are companions are being scolded out of their reveries by a distressed Bell. Many have misty eyes and dazed expressions. Lorcan seems to be drooling slightly, his mouth lopsided and open. Ev seems to be mesmerized, slightly swooning, even. The effect seems to be stronger for on her as her power happens to be Earth and Nature.

"Come," I say, grabbing Lorcan's hand and twining my fingers around his, my grasp firm. I reach up to him and flick his ear. His expression changes immediately as he pulls a face and rubs his ear lobe reproachfully. I walk close to Skander, who has his arm interlinked firmly to his sister's. Suddenly, the effect of the enchanted woods seems to fade away, its earthy music softening. The group ahead of us grumbles half heartedly among themselves, as Bell's voice grows louder, making the woods seem plain and ordinary.

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