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‘’ God I hate Mondays’’, Summer said slamming the plate she was holding on the table and pulling one chair furiously out, ‘’And I hate this food that they’ve been serving us for ages! When was the last time they gave us a red delicious apple? I bet this isn’t even healthy’’ she added as she touched the yellowish fruit with the top of her fork, hoping to find any sign of some redness and watched it roll. If she wasn’t starving, she wouldn’t have gotten lunch at all, the food in the canteen often made her want to throw up, especially when they served the broccoli dish, just the smell disgusted her, yet the taste, but she had no other choice, all fast-food places were far away from school, she’d never get to eat and be back at time for classes if she’d take lunch out.

So disgusting food it was.

She glanced at the lunch lady that was boringly filling the plates that were lining up in front of her, one big ladle here, one big ladle there, she could complete the task without even having to look at the brown mashed potatoes, she knew exactly how to move her hand, no wonder, she has definitely been going over the same routine for a very long time. She’s been working in the canteen since Summer’s freshman year, and there she was, four years later, still doing the same job, at the same spot and wearing the same apron that once was white. How could she stand all the smells? Has she even tasted the food she was serving? Did she know what poisons she was getting into the poor kids’ stomachs? If it was up to Summer, she would have sent her home and shown the lady how to make healthy food, even if she wasn’t responsible for the cooking, she was for the serving, she should take the blame for what ended on the plates daily. In her head, she has been overthinking devilish plans about kidnapping her, the whole lunch stuff if took to, and getting Ed Sheeran serving in the canteen and maybe having him perform from time to time, so that it would not only be eating, but also enjoying music.

Oh yes, that’d be heaven.

‘’I bet you’re thinking again about replacing the lunch lady with one of your idols aren’t you?’’, said Chloe as she sat next to her and looked in the same direction Summer was staring, ‘’ I can tell that from the evil look in your eyes, who’s it this time?’’

‘’Ed Sheeran’’ Summer sighed still unconsciously moving the apple with one hand and having the other under her cheek.

‘’A singer serving food? Hunger is really affecting on you, isn’t it? Put some sense in your daydreaming, maybe it’d come true then’’

‘’What do you mean sense? A perfect guy could serve us perfect food! Can’t you see the connection?’’

‘’Yeah, whatever’’ said Chloe as she gave up and rolled her eyes. She knew Summer too well to know that you should never start a debate with her when she was hungry, because she was the kind of person that’d make sense out of the nonsense, she’d be ready to convince you that the moon was made of cheese and pretend to have scientific evidence proving it. That was one of the things that Chloe has learnt during her 3 years of friendship with Summer Tisdale.

No one has ever guessed that they’d become close friends, not even the girls themselves because they were what people would normally call in high school opposites. Chloe was the wild young girl, that didn’t mind having people talking about her and knowing her name, going into fights with boys or troubles with teachers, she was the visitor number one of detention room and it was a F that she got on her biology test that brought them together. Hopeless and willing to get a better mark, she had no other choice but asking help from the brain of the class; Summer. At first, it were just tutoring sessions at the library, but slowly they got to know each other and started to hang out after school, it turned out that they weren’t that different after all. Chloe discovered the shy girl that was hiding behind the short thick brown curls; the dreamer, the sketcher, the fragile, the lovely, the person that people barely notice. And that was another thing Chloe learnt from Summer; avoiding giving judgments based on appearances, because it’s what’s on the inside that matters.

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