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I woke up to the delightful smell of bacon and eggs sizzling in the kitchen.. My eyes flutter open and I look out at the sky and smile when I see Demi letting out Battman into the open field backyard..

I giggle and jump out of bed getting dressed for school.. And that's when I remembered.. School.

I had to go back..

Mabey I had to face that scary eighth grader..

I had to face being alone in class, I had to face lunch, I had to face.. Everything..

My stomach dropped just thinking about embarrassing myself infront of the whole school..

Once I actually get dressed and head to the kitchen with my backpack.. Demi giggles handing me a plate.. "Morning Sunshine."

"Morning mom.. Oh I mean.." I blush covering my cheeks..

Demi blushes and starts to grin.. "No, its definitely okay.. You can call me whatever you want.."

I shake my hed.. "No.. I can't I'm sorry.. Its just that.." I sigh rubbing my templed..

"My moms a sore subject.." I sigh looking at my food..

Demi sighs resting her hands on
The white granite counters.. Her face looks dissapointed, making me feel so bad for not calling her mom.. She would have been so happy.

"Well, why can't you tell me?" I say in a concerned tone, but I poured out my feelings and it sounded more like a heartbreaking one..

Hailey sighs staring at her plate.. "Well, I can.." She shighed looking up at me.. "But promise me you won't get upset, I hate when people cry, especially you .." She says..

I nodd touching her hand.. "Its okay Hail, I'm here for you whatever it may be.." I murmur..

Before I speak I take a few breaths.. "Whe'll, when I was younger my mom and dad were married, happy and nothing was out of the odinary.. But.. One day.. My dad found out I wasn't his child.. So.. He killed my mom out of anger.. Right in front of me.. And drove me to the orphanage after beating me bad.. I watched him make Mrs. Hillary swear that she wouldn't say anything about it.. And Mrs. Hillary understood because she had to save me.. But my mom.. She loved me a lot.. And she wasn't meant to die.. I justt.. Wish I could have... Saved her, or at least done something.." Hailey sobbs and I can't help but run over to her and cup her into my arms..

"I'm so sorry baby girl.." I whisper rubbing her back.. "I love you so much.. I'm so sorry.." I murner.. This painfully reminds me of the way Kayla had explained her abuse from her mother on our private plane.

Hailey huggs my shoulders and tucked her hed on my chest.. "I love you too Demi.. But.. I will always love my mom.. And I'm sor-"

"No Hailey you shouldn't be sorry, as long as you know I love you, and I'm here for you.. That is all I care about.." I say kissing her hed .

Hailey smiles when my lips touch her hed and we resume to our breakfast. We watched a few shows on tv and laughed at things on social media, and even got a chance to face time Nick..

Peyton and his little sister Faith have grown so much its insane, and it sucks that Hailey met Nick's family online, but he was on tour, so she understood..

On the drive to school I was more scared than nervous.. Mostly because of the incident that happened..

Demi and I were a bit late, so I got to avoid the usually traffic jam of kids..

Once I'm at my locker, I grab my books and head to my English class.

I sit quietly in the back and unexpectedly a girl walks up to me.. But her face is kind and seemed welcoming.. She looked Asian and had brown eyes and hair..

"Hey." She smiles.. "Your name is Hailey Lovato? Are you thinking what I am?" She asks.

I chuckle.. "Yea.. I'm adopted.."

The Asian girl smiled again.. "Cool, you know my moms a manager in the business? Lots of kids here have parents in the high ranks.." She says..

My eyed widen a little.. This girl actually wanted to talk to me?

"Cool, at least I'm not alone..." I mumble..

She smiles.. "Anyway... My names Joanne.. Wanna sit with me and my friends at lunch next period?" She asks..

I sit hesitant for a while.. "Uhh sure.."

Joanne smiles when our English teacher Mrs. D'Luca walks in and decides to take a seat next to me.

I smile at her guesture and the lesson starts.. The class seemed a little bit better because I had a friend to talk to.. I've never really had someone actually wanna be close to me..


After most of the huge classes Joanna took me to her much table..

There was a boy who sat there with brown curly hair and he had brown eyes.. Freckles dotted his nose and he his purly white teeth.. He looked more adorable and scrawny than a "man".

"Uh.. Hi." He says with a smile as Joanne and I sit down.. "Hi.." I smile akwardly..

"Hailey this is Chris.." She says putting her books down.. Chris smiles pushing over for Joanna to sit..

I notice that there are a few books along the table.. Were there more people comming?

Joanna seems to notice me look at the books.. "Oh, were waiting for Kayla and Rachel.. They skipped seventh and eighth grade..

My eyes widened.. Chris laughs shrugging.. "Its not that hard ya know.. And besides.. Kayla needs to graduate school eairly.. She's a model.." He says taking out a grey lunchbox and slowly opening up some crackers..

"So.. Why couldn't Kayla just be homeschooled?" I ask curiously..

Chris shruggs but Joanna anserws.. "She begged her dad not to leave her best friends too soon.. That girl is smarter than most teachers.. She'd be in highschool by now." She laughed..

"Speaking of the smarty pants here she comes.." Chris says.. I follow his eyes which connect to Kayla..

By my surprise.. The girl who had stopped that eigth grader stood before my eyes.. Her hand tugging a brown haired girl along and they laughed together once they reached the round table..

More students came rushing in once the bell rung.. "Oh, hey!" Kaya grins at me.. "Your in our lunch period?" She asked..

I give her a small smile and nodd. She sits beside me and playfully nudges my shoulder.. "Glad your sitting with us.." She says..

I smile genuinely.. I couldn't help but realize how nice these people were to me.. I never really had friends..

"Soo.. Anyone up for lunch?" Rachel askes with a chuckle..

"Yes!" Kayla and I blurt egarly in unison.. Rachel laughs and Kayla and I can't help but give each other a giggled glace..

Mabey this day wouldn't be so bad after all.. And it wasn't, I found out Chris and Joanne were in all my classes. So we took selfies after school and joked around.

After School Kayla and I spent some time together too kicking around a soccer ball in the open field..

She told me about the girl who had nocked me down that day and we got to know each other more..

Her modeling life seemed pretty cool, and she told me stories about places her and her dad traveled for shoots..

She was really funny and really seemed like a cool person..


My spelling is so bad.. I'm so sorry.. 😭😭

Vote for my story plz!!

Kayla and Hailey!!!

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Hailey Chris Joanne

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