Rotten Pizza

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Its dark.

And it....Smells? I wrinkle my nose up in disgust.

"hello?" No reply.

"Is there anyone here?" Silence.

"Well This is just perfect!" I say throwing my arms up in defeat into the darkness. "Where's Dion when you actually want him?" I say speaking my thoughts.  

"I feel so loved!" A deep husky voice says startling me in the process causing me to fall off of whatever I was laying on and a loud manly laugh to come from somewhere in the room.

"Dion I swear id that's you-" What the hell is......."Dion this better not be your UNDERWEAR!" Scrambling to gather myself I not so graciously stand up, still in pitch black might I add. "Dion turn the light on!" And just like I -oh so nicely commanded- the light was magically switched on. The sight Dion is seeing must be a fantastic one cause his laughter only grew louder with him doubling over to catch his breath. "What is so fun- Oh" As soon as I realized I still had his boxers in my hands I dropped them like the mother fucking plague.

"Y-you h-have something on your head.." Dion said in-between his laughing.

"What are you talking about?" I reached my hand to the top of my head and felt around.. There's nothing- "Dion what the hell is this?"

"Pizza from last night" His causal posture and lazy smirk replaced his wide grin and booming laughter.

"WHATS WRONG WITH YOU!" I yell "And why am I in your room!"

"I carried you up, you fell asleep" He shrugs like all is right in the world.

"You can wake me up you know!"

"Calm down" His arms outstretch to land on my shoulders "Its okay" After a minute of the awkward glare from me he drops his hands and adds. "schools over so I can drive you home now." Then he grabs his gym bag and walks out his bedroom room with me following behind him covered in old smelly pizza!


The ride home was quite, no words spoken a simple wave was all he left me with when arriving at my house. I mean what was I expecting? him to walk me to the door? No! Never! Not Dion! he's my enemy! A walking nightmare. Not some buddy to hang out with or anything more.....

Walking into my house I saw my mother sitting in the kitchen drinking a cup of coffee. "Hey dear, how was school?"

Do I lie? Or do I tell her I was at a boys house? I lie! " Oh same old stuff mom, How was work?" Please work Please work!

"That's good sweetie, Well I had to fire Tami today." Mom let out a sigh and drank some of her coffee, she hates firing her employees but it comes with the job I guess.

"Sorry mom I know you hate doing that. I'm gonna go shower..."

"Is that pizza on you?" her suspicion rises and it looks like her Nancy drew is about to show. I need a good lie.....

"Yes its pizza, we.. the teachers threw pizza at us today, some kinda of teachers hate pizza day or something.."

"Alright dear" sitting back down she drinks her coffee and tunes me out.

Tami must of been close to mom, if its effecting her that bad. Teachers hate pizza day? what the hell was I thinking..? Making my way to the upstairs bathroom I take my time to wash off all the rotten pizza from Dions room.


Extremely boring and not much here, its been a bad week next update should be longer and more... well entertaining :) love you guys.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 11, 2013 ⏰

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