The Maze

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"How are we going to go about this?" Max asked.
"Let's hug the left wall. Then we can always find our way back!" Ross suggested.
"I don't think that would work. Look. There is a fork up there and who knows what out in the others. I say we go left, right, left, right!" Scar proposed.
"That's a good idea Scar! Let's do that!" Max exclaimed stopping the battle. That's my brudder from anudder mudder! (Bro from another mum).
We turned faced the fork ad turned left. Forks are always the way! Right?
Its been three hours and we have gone every way except one. The way that has the cobwebs and looks creepier than the others. I hope no monsters spawn in... Even though we banned monsters. I have this feeling of being watched. I suddenly hear a scream and turn around.
I am walking behind Mia. Man I love the colour of her hair. It's suits her so much...
Just then she collapsed and started screaming. Ross turned around so fast his head could have fallen off.
"Don't disturb her. It is a vision. She just needs some time." I said sitting down on a random log. I wonder what she can see. I hope it sent too bad.
The last thing I remember before I fell into another vision was Ross turning around really fast when I screamed.
I'm not sure if I am still out though. I pinched myself. Still the vision. I am in a dark room. I just fell down from a hole in the ceiling.
"Guys? Where are you?" I call into the darkness. Once my eyes have adjusted to the light I stand up and look around. There is one part that I can't see into. The far left. The others must be there.
I walk over to the darkness and see 5 skeletons standing up with black cloaks on. There is another skeleton in a cloak on the ground that they are staring at. I look at the skeleton on the ground and realise it's Ross. He stands up and has a death contract and also a giant iron-hoe looking thing.
"It's Ross time..." He said coming towards me.
-----------------END OF VISION---------
I sat up sweating.
"What did you see?"
Max asked.
After I told them what I saw Scar and Kayla turned around the corner.
"No monsters. Lucky we banned them... Oh good your awake! What did you see?" Scar said as she fixed her hair. Since when has she cared about how her hair looks? Oh well.
Max told them for me.
"I found a trap door to. It looks quite dark. I think we should check it out." Kayla said once Max finished explaining.
A/N the update you have been waiting for is finally here! I haven't been able to update because I have been busy with school work and PLANNING stuff for this story. Thanks for sticking with me though. Peace out 🖖✌

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