What I have lost

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    We spend three days training and, I have finally learned to call on the power of the ancient and, take the true form of an angelic soldier. My uncle was true to his word with teaching me to harness this power it was great I felt un stoppable. The only thing was is that I still blamed myself for my lose and, there was something strange the king was still gone. As right now my uncle stated to tech me to use the other ability's an angle can use suck as the angelic flash which is a blast of light that blurs the vision of my enemies alloying me to get close to them to kill them. It toke me three mouths to be able to use this ability at will. As we finish my uncle says there is one more thing he has to teach me it is called the angelic voice it sends fear into your enemies so that they cower in fear of you it comes in handy when badly out numbered. As we begin to train I use the angelic voice as it comes to me as if it was a second nature or something I Say stand done or your fate is sealed and, all angles around even The king was there as this happened when I come back to normal the king says that so he wields fate.

   Everyone draws there blades and, point them at the ground as they kneel to the king I do the same to show respect to my better he looks to all around and, says rise my faithful army We have laid to rest our brother, and father when he looks at me the noble General Justice he my rest in peace but, as he says that I thought I said it in my mind when I said he won't rest in peace tell I slay those who took him from me and, find my mother. The king eyes me as I said it as did everyone else then the silence is broke as the king says that there fat is sealed as I spoke it but to rest easy fate he tells me you will find her and have your vengeance on the demons who took my father from me and for every thing else I had lost to the demons. He was still speaking to me when he says I carry the rage of all those the demons have taken from us he says that I must master all my skills and, ability's first.

   He then goes into the castle when I finish training for the day I return to the castle to wash up I take a bath in silence thinking if I would have went to him he would still be here. I was still steadily blaming myself for all that I had lost. I get out of the bath and go down stairs to eat dinner with everyone when I step in they could see something was wrong no one said anything though tell the king spoke out young Alex what is wrong so I tell him that I keep blaming myself for my fathers death. Everyone looks  at me in surprise then the king says that I do not need to carry that burden because it was not my fault so I should let it go. When he finishes telling me that, he tells me that in three days I will be going north to the mountain training camp to master my powers. We all finish eating and then I take a walk to clear my mind and, I realize the king was right it was not my fault for what I have lost.                        

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