Part 1

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So have you ever heard the saying, 'Sticks and Stones my break my bones, but words can never hurt me!' Who ever created this saying/quote has never felt the way I have felt. I find it hard to believe that someone would find this to be actually true. Words do hurt, more than anything we have ever felt. The mental pain it comes with, the scars it leaves. This is how I feel. Why am I letting his-- “COURTNEY NICOLE! I called you five times,” My mom says walking into my room with Lizze on her hip. I slam my journal closed and throw it in my dresser and turn toward her, “Sorry mom, I was writing and I didn't hear you call me,” I say calmly. She shakes her head and smiles at me, “It's alright.. But the boys will be here any minute so get dressed,” She says walking out of my room. I follow her and close my door behind her so I can get changed. I can hear Lizze crying from downstairs. Lizze is only two, she was born when I was 14, I am 16 as of now and in my Third year of high school. 'What to wear' I thought to myself as I pear around in my closet. “Got it,” I say to myself pulling out a cute red sundress. I also add a jean jacket to it because it is strapless and I don't like to expose to much skin. “Forgetting the boots,” Ryder says from the door way. I jump a little and place my hand on my chest, “God, you scared the shit out of me,” I say making him laugh. He hands me my cowgirl boots and I slip them on. “You have good taste Ryder,” I say hugging him. Ryder is one of my best friends, along with Avery, Jason, Aiden, Austin, and Cayden. I've grown up with them my whole life because all our parents are practically sisters and brothers. So they act as the brothers I never had. I am the only girl in the groups, well besides Lizze but she is only two so she doesn't count. At school The boys are the 'it' group. They are your typical star football players. Ryder and Austin also are on the baseball team, while Cayden and Avery are on the basketball team. But they all love football the most out of all their sports. Me on the other hand, I don't fit in anywhere at the school anymore. I used to be on the soccer team. But Stacy Foxx practically ruined my life last year. Ever since then I am the target of a lot of people when the boys aren't around.

After doing my hair and make up, Ryder and I walked downstairs. “Hi Aunt Sara and Uncle Ryan,” I say hugging Sara. “Hey Court, looking lovely as always,” She tells me with a smile. Ryder rolls his eyes, “We go through this every morning,” He complains. Ryan laughs, “It's a girl thing, you're mom and Aunt Kassie did it too,” he says. Sara slaps his arm, “hey shut up,” She jokes. As they talked the door flung open and in came the rest of the gang followed by the parents. Before I can process what's happening I am tackled by all my friends. “Guys! I need my personal bubble,” I shout over them. I hear the adults laugh in the kitchen. As they all back off me we pile in the living room in our normal circle. “Whoa, breaking out the cowgirl look today Court,” Aiden teases. I hit his arm, “Shut your face,” I say with a smile. The boys laugh. “Better not be trying to impress any boys,” I hear my dad say. I whip my head around and see him standing in the hall leaning on the wall. My dad and mom aren't very old. I mean they had me when my mom was only 18 or 19 and all. I smile and get up and hug him, “Morning dad,” I say. He kisses my head, “Just messing with you, but for real,” he says pointing to the boys, “I trust you all to kick the shit outta anyone who hurts my little girl,” he says and all the boys smirk. I hit my dad, “You are so embarrassing,” I shout. He chuckles, “My job,” he says walking away, “have a good day at school,” he says. “OH SHIT! We are gonna be late,” Austin yells as we all scramble to the cars.

Once we get everyone in the two cars. Since only Austin and Ryder can drive, we parked next to the football field like we did every day. “Let's get a game in before school starts,” Jason suggested. We all nodded and got out of the car. “You are all going down,” I say with confidence. No im not being cocky, I am actually really fast. I guess growing up with all boys had its effect on me. “I CALL HAVING COURT ON MY TEAM!” Ryder shouts. They all groan and we split up. It's Me, Ryder Avery, and Aiden against, Jason, Cayden and Austin. We all line up. Of course there are people around since the boys were popular. I smiled, “Ready to get your ass handed to you boys,” I said to the other team. Austin smirked, “You're wearing a dress just remember Stevens,” he says. I look down, he was right I couldn't play dirty now. I smirked, “Only a problem if you can get me,” I tease. He shakes his head laughing as the ball goes. We run around and I catch it. I smile and notice all the guys coming at me. I take off. Jason is on my tail until Avery side tackles him and they tumble to the ground. I can hear Jason cuss a few times before laughing. Out of no where Cayden is in front of me. I scream a little until Aiden grabs him and shoves him to the side. I am still running full speed to the end zone. “NOT FAST ENOUGH TODAY STEVENS,” I hear Austin shout behind me. Oh shit, He was going to get me. I was about ten feet from the touch down. I feel Austin grab my arm but Ryder come outta no where and tackles him making us all fall forward. I shut my eyes and wait to hit the ground, But Ryder grabs me and spins us so he hits the ground and I land om him but my hand makes it in the end zone. “WINNING!” Ryder shouts from under me. I open my eyes and smile and jump up as my team group hugs me. Austin shakes his head in amusement, “You win this time Court,” he says giving me a high five.

As we all walk toward the school I notice Stacy and her friends laughing at me. I look down as we walk. I feel an arm go around my shoulders, “Don't worry about Stacy, Court,” Austin says. “Yeah really, she's the school slut. You have way more class than that,” Avery adds. I shrug Austin's arm off my shoulder, “I'm fine guys.. ill see you at lunch,” I say walking away. None of us have the first three classes together sadly. I walk in the halls until I run into Jack. “Courtney,” he says looking down at me. I refuse to look up at him or speak to him. He steps closer and I step back and hit the wall. “When are you going to forgive and forget what happened? I miss you,” he says holding my arm lightly. I pull away and look up at him. He smirks, “Knew that would get you going,” he chuckles, “I made the best choice leaving you, Stacy is much better and does things you---” Ryder and Austin walk up and cut him off, “Is there a problem here?” Ryder says crossing his arms standing slightly in front of me while Austin has his arm around my shoulder glaring at Jack. Austin and Ryder are the closest to me so they are basically the only people that know about Jack. Jack smirks again, “not at all, just having a nice chat with Courtney,” he says looking at me. I move closer to Austin. Austin looks up, “First and finally warning Martinez, either leave her alone or ill personally kick your ass,” he says stepping forward away from me. I grab his shirt, “Austin, Ryder let's just go,” I say in a soft voice so they know I just want to leave. Ryder looks down at me then pulls Austins shoulder, “Come on man,” he says as they both put an arm around my shoulders and we walk. “Damn whore,” I hear Jack say. Austin stiffens and stops walking. I look at him then Ryder. “Ryder don't let him--” but I was to late. Austin was turned and landed a fist right to Jacks jaw. Ryder grabbed Austin and pulled him away. I followed until we were outside. “Damn it Austin,” Ryder shouted at him. Austin was still pissed I could tell. I slowly walked over and wrapped my arms around him and just hugged him. It always seems to calm him down no matter how mad he is. After a minute his arms wrap around me and I hear him whisper, “I'm sorry,” I look up at him, “Why did you do that?” I say hitting his chest and backing up. He shakes his head, “He called you a whore,” he says calmly. I shake my head, “who cares, you could of got kicked off the football team if a teacher saw,” I say a little upset. He shrugs, “Who gives a shit, you're my best friend and he disrespected you,” he says. Ryder nods, “Yeah Court, he shouldn't of said that,” he says. I shake my head and pick up my bag, “This is so dumb... You two can't protect me from everything. I don't wanna be the reason you get kicked off the team, it will just be another thing for people to blame me for,” I say getting upset. They both look at me, “Take a breath Court,” Ryder says. I snap my head at him, “Im leaving,” I say walking toward the parking lot. I hear them run after me, “Courtney,” Austin says. When they start using my full name you know it's serious and they won't drop the subject. I turn, “Stop alright... Don't stand there and pretend it isn't true, everyone blames me for the whole thing, you guys probably even do. I sure as hell know Lena does,” I Shout as I start walking again. I hear them following me again, “Lena is your friend Courtney, she doesn't think--” I cut Ryder off, “Really, then why haven't I seen her around here since last year? Why haven't I got a phone call? Or why won't she pick up when I call?,” I pause, “Because she blames me and hates me just as much as I hate myself,” I say walking away. This time they don't follow.

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