Part 4

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 Yup, this is my first time being in the office for getting in trouble, and let me tell you, it is scary as hell. The boys all look relaxed, why shouldn't they be, I mean they didn't do anything. Lena was just staring at me like I would blow up any second, and Stacy and her friends were glaring at me. Could this get anymore awkward? As we all sat in silence the door opened and we were all called in. We all slowly made the walk in his office where it was a tight fit for 13 teenagers. Mr. Jackson turns in his chair to face us, “Alright, what exactly happened?” he said. Stacy, Lena, and I all started shouting at once only causing us all to argue again. “WHOA! Everybody stop talking,” He shouts over us. The room goes silent again and the boys move in closer to me because they know I am almost to a breaking point. Mr. Jackson leans back, “Now, one at a time.... What I heard from fellow students is that Mrs. Stevens provoked this outburst,” he said calmly. My mouth dropped and Stacy had a smirk on her face. “Are you kidding me?” I shout. Austin places a hand on my shoulder and whispers, “Take a breath Court,” and steps back. I take a deep breath and cross my arms, “I didn't start this, Stacy should learn to keep her mouth shut,” I said sending her a death glare. She put on a sad look, “Why, Mr. Jackson, all I did was welcome our dear friend Lena back into town and Courtney got mad. I tried to fix it but Lena decided to have a food fight,” She says pointing to her now ruined top. Lena and I exchanged looks. “Lying bitch,” Lena said softly, but not soft enough. “Miss Russo, I will not except that language in my school,” he says. She crosses her arms but doesn't say a word. I roll my eyes, “This is totally unfair Mr. Jackson, the whole student body knows Stacy is always starting these fights, she thinks she can push people around. And you don't do anything about it,” I tell him. He just looks at me like he heard nothing I said. “Boys, I expect better from you,” he says. No way am I letting the boys get in trouble for this, “They had nothing to do with it. Not one thing,” I say. They all look at me but Mr. Jackson accepts my statement and dismisses us with only a detention tomorrow after school. As we walk out Stacy shoves past me. “Stupid bitch,” I whisper.

Once we get out to the parking lot I am faced with the worst scene ever. Yes, that's right, Mr. Jackson called my mother. I stopped mid step causing Austin and Ryder to run into me then the boys after that. “Oh, busted,” Avery whispers as they all walk with me to my car. “Hi mom,” I say in a careful tone. She shakes her head at me then looks to my side with a smile, “Lena dear, so good to see you again,” She says hugging her. Lena smiles, “You too Mrs.Stevens. I'll talk to you guys later,” she says to all us as she leaves. Then my mom turns back to all of us, “Car now, Austin, Ryder take everyone home. All your mothers are waiting,” She says as she goes in the car waiting. I let out a breath, “Fuck,” I say. Austin hugs me, “You'll be fine,” he says walking away with the boys, “Call me after she is done,” he says laughing. I flip him off and get in the car. Let me tell you, it was a awkward silent ride home. We got in the house and she made me sit in the kitchen. She walks around the counter and leans on it, “What were you thinking Courtney?” she says. “I was thinking that Stacy has crossed the line this time and needed to be put in her place,” I say truthfully. She sigh, “Getting into a fight isn't a way to solve your bulling problems,” she says. I look at her in disbelief, “How would you know, as far as I know you were a freaking perfect high school student, cheer captain, dance captain, hung in the it group, heck you dated the hottest guy in your school according to your stories. So sorry if I am a disappointment to you,” I shout standing up. She gets mixed emotions on her face, “You are not a dis--” I cut her off, “Don't lie mom, because you and I both know that you wanted the perfect daughter that would follow in your steps,” I stop when my dad walks in holding Lizze. “What's going on?” he asked looking between the two of us. I was beyond upset at this point and my mom looked close to tears. He walked up and kissed my mom on the cheek. I looked at them, “Hey you still have a shot with Lizze, maybe she won't disappoint you,” I shout. Lizze jumps at my sudden raise of voice and my dad looks shocked. “Jesus Courtney Nicole, do not raise your voice in this house,” my mom shouts back at me. “Oh sorry, another thing to add to the list of how screwed up I am,” I snap at her. My dad steps in, “Whoa, ladies come on, can't we sit and talk calmly about this?” he asked getting a glare from both my mother and me. “Courtney, it's attitudes like this that get you in trouble,” My mom says. I shake my head, “No, I'm sick of getting pushed around by everyone. Maybe everyone's right, I am better off alone then I can't disappoint no more people,” I scream running up to my room and slamming the door followed by locking it.

Once I am done destroying my room I call Austin. “Hey!” he says cheerfully. I hold back tears as I try speaking, “H-Hey,” I say softly. I hear him moving around and then he speaks, “What's wrong?” he says. I wipe my eyes, “Can I come over?” I ask. “Yeah of course, ill met you by the gate,” he says hanging up. I place my phone in my pocket and climb out my window. There is a tree right there and I use it to my advantage as I reach the ground and walk over to the gate where Austin engulfs me into a hug. “Come on,” He says bending down. I laugh a little and jump on his back as he makes his way inside. We walk into the kitchen and he sets me down on the counter, “One or two scoops,” He says pulling my favorite ice cream out of the freezer, oreo vanilla. I smile and hold up two fingers. I watch as he makes us each a bowl and carries it over and we sit and eat. “So what happened?” he asked taking another bite of his ice cream. I set my spoon down and explain the whole argument with my mom. “Whoa, did she say anything after that?” he asked. I shake my head, “No I ran to my room and locked the door. Which reminds me I need a major clean up in there,” I say a little sad. I hits my shoulder with his, “Hey, for what it's worth, I think you are perfect the way you are,” he says with a smile. I laugh, “Geez, thanks,” I say. Then Becca walks in holding her stomach, “Oh, I didn't know my favorite girly was over,” She says with a smile. Austin examines her and frowns, “Pains again?” he asked. She nods and sits down, “Yeah,” she says sounding tired and restless. I look at her, “Are you sick?” I ask worried. Austin laughs a little, “She's pregnant again,” he says. I clap and smile, “Oh yeah I hope it is a girl,” I say making her smile and nod. “Me too, I can't handle another boy,” she says smirking at Austin. “Have you called dad about the pain yet?” Austin asked getting serious. “No need to worry your father on his trip. It's not even that bad,” She says getting up and starting on dinner. Austin sigh, “You've been in bed two days with no sleep and throwing up. Now, I haven't been pregnant but that's not normal mom,” he says. Austin really did love his mom. Since Chris is gone on work trips a lot, he kinda takes on the man of the house role. “Austin Parker, drop it,” She shouts a little leaving the room.

After spending a few more hours with Austin, I climb back into my room which is still a mess. Right as I step in the window a knock comes from the door, “Courtney, open the door,” My mom says softly. I role my eyes and open the door crossing my arms, “What?” I say annoyed. She looks like she has been crying, “You and Lizze are going to Grandma Stevens for the rest of the week,” She says. I look at her weird forgetting everything that happened earlier today, “Why? What happened?” I say. She looked so upset. She breaks down in tears and my dad pulls her to his chest and looks at me, “Just pack your stuff and help Lizze,” he says walking my mom away. I do as I was told and back a ton of stuff ill need, then pack for Lizze. An hour later I got my stuff and Lizzes stuff and her in the car. My mom is already in the car asleep with tears on her face. My dad walks out of the house and over tot he car where I am standing. “Your Uncle Cody was in an accident down in Texas and your mother and the boys parents are flying down for the week. You are all staying at Grandmas house until we know all the information,” he says as we take off.

About two hours later we arrive at my Grandmas HUGE house. When I say huge I mean huge. My dad was telling me how Aunt Farrah became a fashion designer last year at age 23 and bought this house for Grandma and all us kids to hang at. I smiled as I carried Lizze up to the house watching out parents leave. I rang the doorbell twice and looked around the miles of land belonging to the house. The door opened and I am greeted with Grandam. I smile, “Grandma!” Lizze shouts holding her arms out to her. My grandma smiles and take Lizze from me. I hug her as I carry our bags in and a maid takes them up to our rooms. “My favorite grand babies, how are you?” she says as we walk to the living room. She sets Lizze down and she goes and plays with my grandmas two black labs on the floor. I smile and look back to her, “Good, I mean as good as I can be,” I say. My grandma was easy to talk to so I wanted to vent. She smiles, “Oh spill darling,” she says taking a seat and pulling me down. I tell her about school and the boys, home and everything in between. “Wow, well those girls at school are just jealous cuz my grand daughter is more pretty than they ever will be,” she says making me smile. As we sit and talk about her life the door opens. We both turn and right away I spot Farrah. I smile and jump over the couch and tackle her into a hug. “Whoa,” She says hugging me back. I smile and step back, “You look amazing Aunt farrah,” I say looking over her beautiful sundress. She smile, “You do too Court, now where are my favorite boys?” she asked looking around. I shrug, “Not here yet,” I say. “You know the boys, take after their dads so they are going to be at least an hour late,” She teases walking into another room. 

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