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Ashton Orton

Full Name: Ashton Keith Orton

Birthday: July 18, 1993

Age: 20

Best Friends: Jerry Lawler, Alicia Fox, Kalee Punk, John Cena, Leroy Jethro Gibbs, Abby Sciuto, Tony DiNozzo, Timothy McGee, Ziva David, Donald "Ducky" Mallard, G. Callen, Sam Hanna, Kensi Blye, Marty Deeks, Hetty Lange, Sheamus, Dolph Ziggler, Tyson Kidd, Zack Ryder, Triple H, Stephanie McMahon, Edge, C.M Punk, Beaker, and Shawn Micheals.

Enemys: Wade Barrett, Eve, Natalya, Daniel Bryan, The Wyatt Family, Prime Time Players, and A.J Lee.

Siblings: Hunter Orton (18 yrs old) and Alanna (5 yrs old)

Randy Orton

Full Name: Randall Keith Orton

Birthday: April 1, 1975

Age: 38

Best Friends: C.M Punk, Edge, John Cena, and Triple H.

Enemys: Wade Barrett.

Siblings: Unknown

Kalee Punk

Full Name: Kalee Ann Punk

Birthday: October 25, 1995

Age: 18

Best Friends: Ashton Orton, Dean Ambrose, Seth Rollins, Roman Reigns, A.J. Lee, Randy Orton, Hunter Orton, Alanna Orton, John Cena, Zack Ryder, Shawn Micheals, Dolph Ziggler, Edge, Triple H, Stephanie McMahon, Vance McMahon, Beaker, and Sheamus

Enemys: Wade Barrett, Eve, Prime Time Players, Daniel Bryan, and The Wyatt Family.

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