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The bell rung and eventually the classes was starting to empty out. I walked to my locker and got my bookbag out. I turned around and saw the guys walking up to me. It was Tyga, Chris, Omarion, and T.I.
Where You Finna Go
Wanna Go To The Shack?
Yea I Kin-
I got cut off by Tammy coming up to me.
August I need help with my homework. And you said the next time I need help to come tell you.
I'll catch yawl later. Come on Tammy.

She grabbed my hand and I lead her to my car. Tammy and I go way back. She goes to the same church as me. Or the church I used to. I don't really go that much. I won't step another foot in there. I pulled up to her house. And I looked to my right and she was getting her keys out her purse.
August come on. Why you acting shy.


I know august like me as a frand. We go way back; since diapers. He's being so like anti social. I can't put my finger on it. I had a crush on him since I was little. But I know he would never go with me. So we're bsfrands. I love him with all my heart and let a bitch Fw him. They gone get they ass beat.

I got out the car and so did he. He and I walked up to my front porch. He stood behind me as I unlocked the door. I walked in and went to the kitchen. August locked the door and went upstairs. I got two cups of sprite and a big bowl of doritos. I went upstairs and went to my room. August was layed across my bed. He was looking up in outter space. I sat the food down on the dresser. I hopped on him, just under his v-line. " Bestfrand what's going on?" " My momma been tripping lately, she kicked my dad out cause he was sleeping around on her. Now she be looking at me some type of way like I did some. I don't deserve this type of treatment. I just wanna be happy man" he said to me. I pulled him up and I hugged him. " Its gone get better august. I'm here for you. I won't do you wrong. I promise. I love you bestfrand😘". I Told him. After that he looked at me. Eyes glistening from Finna cry. I hate to see him hurt. He tried to put his back down. I moved it closer to my face and kissed him. Nothing major; it was out of love. A small peck on the lips made him smile. "Thanks bsfrand". I nodded my head. I got up and grabbed our snacks and gave him the remote. We just chilled. This what I meant by 'HELP'.

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