Chapter 11

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Remus prefers not to admit embarrassing things. For example, he would never tell anyone how nervous he is right this second, sitting at a his dinning room table, a pot of spaghetti sauce and angel hair pasta sitting center. He wipes his sweaty palms on the front of his pants before checking the time once more.

Ten minutes late.

He wants to slap himself for how silly he's being. It's like high school all over again.

Instead of worrying about the time, he starts to worry about his outfit. Is it too nice? Not nice enough? Jeans and a black button up? Just the right amount of casual-formal?

Three knocks float over from the front door. Remus nearly flips the table from standing up so abruptly. He rushes over, waits a second, and opens it casually.

There stands Sirius as handsome as always. "Hello, sorry I'm a bit late. Maddie wouldn't let go of my leg."

"Oh, no worries. I didn't even realize," Remus lies.

"So, what has the magnificent Remus prepared tonight?" Sirius asks, entering the familiar house.

"Spaghetti and meatballs."

Sirius looks down at his white shirt and laughs. "Well, this can only go horribly."

"I suppose now would be a bad time to offer wine?"


The night leads on with casual flirtation along with the exchange of stories. This is really the first night the two were actually able to just talk.

"I've always wondered, why a wizard kid school?" Sirius asks.

"As opposed to a Muggle elementary school?" Remus hums. "I'm not the best at doing things the Muggle way. And you? Why retail of all things?"

Sirius shrugs. "I never had anything I really wanted to do, so I just did that. And it's kinda fun."

"You don't do anything?"

"I can make cupcakes."

Remus grins. "I'm aware, but seriously, nothing?"


"What about when you were younger?"

Sirius smiles softly. "I wanted to be a dad."

Remus is pleasantly shocked, so he lets Sirius continue.

"While everyone else in school wrote about getting jobs and perusing their talents, I was determined to be the best father there ever was. I even have a book from when I was in grade school that I made. It's full of ridiculous rules like "let her eat candy before dinner" and "make sure she has at least five stuffed animals at all times, but there were things like "make sure she's always smiling" and "keep her safe" and "never ever hit her or tell her she's stupid." I guess I was so preoccupied that I didn't have time to figure out a hobby I would like."

"How did you know you would have a girl?"

"It was just a hope. Ironically, I liked them more than boys."

Remus laughs. "Yes, well, boys are gross."

"Have you ever wanted kids?" Sirius asks.

Remus frowns. "Actually, I'm trying to adopt right now, but..."


"But I'm a gay, single teacher. The odds are against me." Remus sighs. "It's a stressful thing. The worst part is that the child I want is in a foster home that neglects her. They only collect kids for money, but is really like a daughter, you know? Actually, when I first decided to adopt I watched a bunch of shitty YouTube videos on braiding and cooking cute kid foods."

"You're welcome to braid Maddie's hair anytime. All I know are ponytails." As soon as he says it, he's instantly embarrassed at the bold remark. However, Remus smiles.

"Maybe I can teach you."

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