Chapter 12

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(A/N: snowball is = snow cone where I'm at okay idk some people don't call them snowballs so I'm clarifying *cough* CarterIsNotOnFire  *cough* also check out wolfstarcommunity for my new Wolfstar book I'm writing with brizzi_m8 called @ me )

"One minu-" A deep blush spreads across Sirius' face when he checks the text just sent to his phone. Quickly, he locks it back. It's been about two weeks without any form of communication, and he's greeted with this?

"What was it?" James asks as the three friends walk the beach with Maddie bouncing in front of them.


"Well it's got to be something if you're blushing," Peter says before taking a bite of his snowball.

Sirius drops back a few steps so he can respond.

Me Myself and I:
Currently at the beach, so now is not the time to be sending dick pics.

Professor Mc-Hottie:
☹️ aw, someone's not happy I turned him on in public.

Me Myself and I:
No, I'm not particularly thrilled.

(But nice pic good quality and also A+ dick)

Professor Mc-Hottie:
¯\_(ツ)_/¯ I expect something in return when you're behind closed doors.

"James..." The blush deepens as he whispers the next part. "How do I take a dick pic?"

The cup slides out of James hand. "I'm sorry, what?"

Sirius hides his burning face in his hands. "Don't make me say it again. Remus sent me one and now I'm all like this and he wants one back and I've never done this before!"

Peter attempts to cover his laughter with coughs, but he fails miserably.

"Daddy, look! A shell!" Maddie comes bouncing over to them with her hand outstretched.

Sirius takes the shell. "Pretty. I'll save it in my pocket for now."

"What did Mr. Lupin send you?"

"A poem," James replies quickly, "And your dad is trying to figure out how to respond, so he asked me because I'm bomb at poetry."

Maddie just nods and dashes away again to play in the water.

"It's because you're a straight fuckboy," Sirius retorts. "Anyway, forget it for now. I have to keep an eye Maddie."


"Hey, there! You a pro at dick pics yet?" Lily greets when they take a seat at the bar.

Sirius groans. "You told Lily?"

James shrugs. "What? She asked me what I did yesterday, and I told her!"

"You could have left that part out!"

"You know, you should be thanking me for taking a picture of your dick for you."

"How was I suppose to get the angle you told me to? Ridiculous!"

"I'm curious though," Peter butts in, "if you were that bad at taking a picture, how bad were you at sexting?"

"I did fine!"

Lily shakes with laughter. "You're turning red!"

"Am not!"

"Are too!"

"Hey, you should invite Remus," James suggests. "I'm sure he could use a drink after the train wreck you probably sent him. Besides, I've yet to talk to him out side of a school setting."

"First of all, fuck you. Second, he'll probably say no because if he's seen on a date with me, he could get in trouble."

"Well, it's a good thing we're all here to make it not a date." James snatched up Sirius' phone. "I'll text him."

"James! Give it-"

"Oh my god."

"Get out of my texts!"

"You should write novels, Sirius. The Sexy kind."

"I'm good at writing, okay? Fuck off and give me my phone-!"

"Woah! That's his dick?"


"High five me for that!" He dodges a fist to the arm and starts towards the exit.

"Give me my fucking phone, you piece of shit friend!"

"I think I'll call him!" James calls over his shoulder. It rings twice before Remus picks up.

"Hey, babe."

"Sorry to disappoint, but not your babe."

"Ah. James?"

"James Potter, I'm going to murder you!"

Remus grins at the commotion. "You kids sound like you're having fun."

"Yep! That's why I decided to invite you to get a drink with us! Same place you and Sirius first met."

Remus glances wearily at the growing stack of papers on his desk. "I wish I could but I have papers to gra-"

"LAME! Come on! You can properly meet the gang and my girlfriend!"

Sirius finally catches up and snatches the phone away. "I'm so sorry about him." Sirius shoots him a glare before James sulks inside.

"No worries."

"And if you don't want to come don't. I don't blame you for not wanting to meet them."

"It's not that I don't want to... I just have work to do... But I may swing by... I know how some of those girls can be, and I need to keep them off of you."

Sirius shoves and hand in his pocket and rocks on his heels. "Well, I'd love to see you again."

"It has been a while. I've just been so busy..." He gives his paperwork a fleeting glance. "You know what? I'm coming. Right now."


Remus hasn't been in the club since he met Sirius because he hasn't had a need to do so. It's exactly how he remembers it. Loud, crowded, and hot, like any place would be with hundreds of people crammed into it. He makes a beeline for the bar because as soon as he walks in, girls start turning to him, asking if he wants to buy them a drink.

"There he is!" Peter exclaims when he sees Remus. "Welcome to the fun!"

"I apologize. He's already drunk." Sirius sighs as he presses a quick kiss on Remus' lips. "Let me buy you a drink."

"A lot of girls were just disappointed."

"The cutest ones are always gay," Lily sighs, pouring Remus a drink.

"Pardon?" James butts in.

"Remus is cuter than you. Get over it," Sirius pats Remus' stomach. "There are abs here. I get to touch those abs."

"It seems like Peter isn't the only one thats been drinking a bit."

"I get nervous around you, and the alcohol helps me."

Remus quirks up an eyebrow. "Nervous?"

"You're like the first guy I've been with ever and you're super hot teacher and stuff and I'm a realtor who had to get his best friend to take a picture of his dick."

Remus' laughter almost bubbles over. "James... Took that?"

"He's a great friend."

"Hi, James here," James interrupts as he pulls his friend away from Remus. "And I'm here to make sure Sirius doesn't say any more stupid shit he'll regret in the morning."

"I had to wiki-how how to have gay sex."

James slaps a hand over Sirius' mouth. "Starting now."

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