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"What's wrong?" I turn to find Jungkook peering at me. I open and close my mouth a few times before I snap it shut. He sits down next to me and the subject of my latest film flies away.

"Something, but I don't know what," I mutter, more to myself, as I fiddle with the camera.


"How long were you there?" He leans back and picks leaves off the bush next to him.

"Did you know, the average lifespan of a butterfly is like a month? And just think of it - in that one month, the butterfly had to go through immense change - (immense change? Who is he? Namjoon?) - to transform and grow from it's intial state of a caterpillar."

"Why are you telling me this?"

"It must be really painful, to experience so much change in such a short time, don't you think?" I am so lost right now. His eyes are searching, waiting for me like I should know something. I don't. I'm just gonna take it as it is.

"But isn't it worth it? They get to be a butterfly in the end." I don't even know.

"And that makes it worth it?" You tell me.

"Yeah, I mean they finally get to be free and fly and stuff." Much intelligence.

"Do you really think so, hyung?" I nod, not trusting the bull that might spurt out of my mouth next. Seemingly satisfied with my answer, he grins. We sit in silence untill Hoseok rocks up, patting my head and pinching Jungkook's cheeks.

"Hello mommy, hi baby sister," he coos. I snort and bat his hand away. "It's getting dark, so I came to make sure you weren't dead." At that, Jungkook bolts up and starts walking. Hoseok kicks my thigh lightly, "oi, be smart like him and take the hint - it's getting dark." His eyes flit about the trees nervously.

"You're the baby, the sun hasn't set yet." He huffs and kicks me once more before strutting off. I linger for a bit before I get up. By the time I do, it's dark enough for me to follow the glow of the fire they made. Not far off from the swimming pool, I see a massive shipping container. How did I not notice this before? Looks like the fire is behind it. As I walk around it, I find that it has windows and a door like some makeshift house and a ladder propped up against it.

They all have their backs to me, quietly sipping on their drinks and staring at the fire in front of them. I don't how or where they got them from, but they're sitting on leather couches - the nice kind, like the kind you-find-in-a-rich-person's-apartment-not-next-to-a-beat-up-container-kind. I see the projector playing music videos and I hook my camera up to it so it paints the container house with the days' activities instead. We chuckle at the memories.

In the seat closest to me, Hoseok munches on pretzels and pats the innermost side for me to sit on. I plop down and watch Yoongi play with a lighter. Jungkook's watching him also, then he catches me looking and chooses to look everywhere except back at me and turns to lay on Yoongi's lap. Namjoon and Taehyung make a game out of pretending that Jimin doesn't exist in between them, laughing and clinking their drinks in front of his face. I ease back and shove my hands in my pockets for warmth. I sit back up when I feel something in one of my pockets.

It's a polaroid, like the ones I took earlier. But I didn't take it, at least not today - I couldn't have. It's a picture of the sea on a cloudy day, I know the place where it was taken but I can't name the place. I turn to Hoseok, whose about to fall asleep for the nth time today and ask him if we should go there one day. He nods in agreement, as does Taehyung. Jimin looks funnily at Jungkook, but quickly wipes it off to give me a small smile.

Jungkook gets up slowly and blows out the flame in Yoongi's lighter. Yoongi looks set to scold him but before he does the rain falls. And that's when I lose my shit.

FALL // LEAVE // RUNWhere stories live. Discover now