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I'm walking. I don't really remember how I got here, walking through some forest with feathers in my hair and a cam corder in my hands, but I'm walking. I know where I'm going but I don't. God, that sounds so stupid.

Yet it makes sense.

Whatever, while I'm weaving in and around bushes, I take the time to appreciate my surroundings. The ground beneath me is cracked and bumpy with tree roots. Ribbons of sunlight fall through the trees above me. The air smells clean, albeit a little dusky, but clean. The path I find myself on now is too uniform to be natural, so it must lead somewhere. I follow it. I feel light, much lighter than I've felt in ages and a smile plays on my features as I realize this. I remember the camcorder in my hands, so I open it to lazily capture things. As I'm recording my feet while I walk, I hear voices and laughter. It sounds so familiar. I walk in the direction of the laughter until I find a clearing.

Out in the middle of an abandoned swimming pool below me, I see six guys, tussling with each other. I turn the camera on and begin to film them, feeling like this is something I want to keep. It's weird but I don't feel perverted at all about it. They continue to tease and laugh, until the one in the middle catches my eye and points at me, smiling. "Oh, Jin hyung-ah," he says. Jin. My name is Jin. I close the camera to hop down, memories flooding my senses, filling my mind. My name is Jin and these are my friends. Of course.

I can feel tears at the back of my eyes but I push them away to smile back at them. They all reach out to greet me, hugging and patting my back while more memories course their way into my brain. They ask me where I've been and my smile falls. I can't come up with anything and it frustrates me. Forgetting their earlier question, they ask me to take a picture, to which I willingly oblige. "Hey, don't you guys reckon it was a bit creepy for hyung over there to film us like that hiding in the bushes?" Jimin muses in mock concern as he raises his eyebrows. They all feed off it and pick at me, saying that while I'm the eldest, I'm not old enough yet to be a creep. I laugh heartily as I take it, shaking my head.

The day goes on like this, them messing around and me filming them, taking pictures. I join in every now and then, but not often. We dance and we play, like the way we used to when we were younger. I was surprised at some of the games they picked. I mean, the youngest of us is almost eighteen and they played Paper, Scissors, Rock for ten minutes straight like it was the best game ever. I'm no better, I watched with great interest while they did. We haven't hung out like this in so long. It was like we were kids again.

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