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Kevin's POV

It's a warm, sunny August day, and I couldn't be happier. I fidget with the dorky hat of my uniform, thankful for the air conditioning, and wait for five o'clock. My shift is almost over at Wiggle's Ice Cream Parlor, and I'm beyond ready to go home. Sighing, I lean heavily on the counter. It's four forty-eight. I'm about to sprawl across the counter when the bell rings, alerting me that someone has entered the store. I straighten, trying my best to look professional.

A tall dark haired guy comes in alone, wearing a red flannel shirt and a pair of skinny jeans. He has a stubbly beard, and small curls of dark hair peek out from underneath his black beanie. He smiles lightly at me, shrugging his shoulder to hold up his satchel. He's cute, and I blush, straightening my hat. "Hey, um, can I have a small ice cream?" His voice is soft and husky in the best way.

I nod, trying not to stare at his caramel colored eyes. "Y-yeah, what flavor?"

The guy hums, rubbing his stubble. "I can't decide between Rocky Road and cookie dough. Pick for me," he suggests after a time. I blink at him.

"Me?" He nods, and I bite my lip, trying to make a good decision. "I like cookie dough better, but rocky road also has its perks... I don't think I could choose just one. I can do a bit of both, if you'd like."

His eyes light up boyishly at my suggestion, and he shakes his head eagerly. "That'd be perfect, thanks."

I grab a medium cup, deciding that he might appreciate a bit of extra ice cream, and scoop a bit of each flavor into the bowl. He sits down at the table near the window, staring out of it distractedly. The sunlight frames him nicely, it makes him look poetic and thoughtful.

What a shame that my heart already belongs to another.

Speaking of that other, he should be here around five. I check the time. Four fifty-seven. I decide to hand deliver the cute guy's ice cream. Upon receiving it, he grins up at me from a little notebook full of scrawls. I see the word periwinkle at the top, and want to see more, but he covers the notebook with his arm. "Thanks for the ice cream," he says. He then strolls out the door, the bell wishing him a twinkly farewell.

I check the time again. Four fifty-nine. Seymour should be here to take his shift soon.

Right as the clock switches its analog display to five pm, he walks in through the employee entrance. Seymour, being the skittish type, nods me a shaky hello with as little eye contact as possible. I smile at him anyways, stepping into the sunlight. I'm greeted with one of my favorite sights.

Damon, my closest friend, is mid-ollie, levitating over his skateboard in the employee parking lot. The light outlines his blonde hair, making it glow around his head, his greenish eyes looking electric in the sun. He grins, waving me over. "Hey, Kev!" He calls.

I love him so much.

I nearly trip over my feet jogging over to him, feeling clunky and insignificant in my uniform. When I'm closer, he smirks at me, flicking the foam ice cream scoop on my hat. I blush hotly. "Hi," I mumble, trying to hide my face.

"How was work?" He asks, skating slowly on his board to I can keep up with him on foot as we head toward home.

"Fine. Boring as usual. A cute gu- girl came in today, though." I flinch at my slip up, hoping Damon didn't notice it. He doesn't know I'm gay, can't know. It would ruin our friendship.

Damon, however, seems oblivious, glancing over his shoulder at me with a sly expression that makes me want to take a photo of him. "Oh, nice. Did you get her number?"

I shake my head. "Nah, she was older." He huffs disappointedly. I smile and glance up at him, admiring his profile. "How was your day?"

He grins. "Oh, great, this banging chick, Natasha, asked us to a party tonight. Wanna come?" My heart falls when he mentions Natasha, then rises when I notice that he asked for the both of us. Imagine, a whole night with Damon...

I frown. "Sorry. I can't, I have to go to Aaron's poetry thing. I promised my dad we'd go together this time."

Damon sighs. "For real? You're ditching me to go to Aaron's stupid, gay poetry thing?" I wince, suddenly feeling much less reluctant to decline his invitation. I stare at a pink rose, looking recently run over, lying in the street so that I don't have to meet his eyes. "I guess if you've got to. You know your dad better than I do."

I smile weakly. "Yeah, I gotta do it." I look at my house, approaching fast.

Damon slings an arm around my shoulders, and my chest tingles at the contact. "Alright, I guess I'll see you on Friday, then." I nod, waving at him as he skates away, and try to distract myself.

You shouldn't have let him go by himself, my brain mutters. Now he's gonna go sleep with some girl, and you'll be stuck at a poetry slam pining for him like you have been for the past four years. You poor fool.

I growl, "Shut up, Brain," under my breath and push into the house.

My dad, reclining on the couch, smiles when I walk in. "Hey, kid. How's Damon?" He raises his eyebrows in a way that suggests a hidden meaning, and I blush. He's the only person in my family who knows that I'm gay.

"He's fine, I guess. He's going to a party with some girl named Natasha." I try to keep my voice neutral. You should get over him, my brain sings. I block it out.

He nods, humming. "So I assume you're bailing on me to go and get some gay tail at this party, am I right?"

I gape at him. "Dad! No! I'm still going to your poetry thing with Aaron." He grins at my reaction, then nods. "Go change. We'll leave in a bit."

I shuffle to the stairs, quickly shedding my uniform. Time to move on.

A/N: Tijn Elbers as Kevin on the top! I know his eyes aren't blue but pretend they are.

Thanks for reading! A quick bit of info about this book: it'll be changing POVs sort of frequently, and they'll be listed at the start of each chapter. [X] means no POV/ third person. Also, in case you hadn't noticed, there will be some boyxboy action in this. If it's not your cup of tea, please don't read it :)

I'm super excited for this book ahhh

Anyway, please comment/vote if you find it interesting. Thanks!

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