
(A/N: Hi guys! This is kind of just a fluff chapter to wish you all a happy summer! I'll probably be updating more often because of summer break as well. Enjoy!)


"Yeah?" Kevin turns away from trying to select a shopping cart without a busted wheel and looks up at Abel. He's wearing softer, more worn looking clothes-- a large red and black flannel and a pair of ripped skinny jeans, exposing his knees.

He grabs one of Kevin's hands, spreading the fingers apart with his. "What's this?" He's inspecting Kevin's colored fingernails.

He doesn't look angry or disgusted, but the question makes Kevin nervous anyways. "I was, um, trying it out. If you don't like it, I can take it off, I just... Wanted to see how it looked, how it felt."

Abel stares at the hand for a while longer, silent, just massaging Kevin's knuckles with his fingertips. After a time, he whispers, "I like it," hiding his pink cheeks by turning away and grabbing a cart. The wheels all work well, and Kevin smiles at him. "C'mon. Let's get some ingredients."

Kevin nods, glancing down at his phone. They've decided to make coconut curry, a dish that neither of the two have tried before but have always wanted to. "Okay, we need veggies. Snow peas, carrots, ginger, broccoli, that kind of stuff."

Abel nods, taking charge of the cart. "You wanna divide and conquer, or should we stick together?"

Kevin considers. He wants to be close to Abel, but he also doesn't want to spend a huge amount of time in the store. "Let's play it by ear. For now, stick together."

Abel smiles, and says, "Getting bags to put the vegetables in might be an issue, though." The pair look up at the bags, standing what seems like miles above Abel's 5'4".

Kevin giggles. "Maybe if you jump, we can get them?" Abel leaps, shoes rising off of the ground. He manages to get a grip on the roll of bags and removes about eleven of them in a single swoop.

"Is this enough?" Abel asks, a crease forming between his brows. Kevin smiles fondly, nodding. They push the cart to each of the vegetable sites, making their way through the produce section. Kevin even remembers to grab some basil for garnish, and is feeling pretty proud of himself.

"Okay, you get the veggie stock, agave nectar, and coconut milk. You'll need three cans. I can grab the rice and spices." He tells Abel.

Abel raises his eyebrows, surprised but pleased. He leans in to Kevin's ear and says, "I love it when you take charge," in what he hopes is a sultry tone. By Kevin's suddenly warm face, he believes that it's worked. Abel turns and walk away, calling over his shoulder to Kevin. "I'll meet you in the spice aisle."

Kevin curses Abel's sexiness under his breath, then pushes the cart that Abel had left behind to the rice. There are so many varieties- long grain, short grain, shelled, husked, organic, white, brown, instant. He just grabs a bag blindly and tells himself that it doesn't matter too much.

He moves on to the spice aisle, intimidated by the high shelves of spices. He swallows, and takes another look at the recipe. Assuming that Abel will have salt and pepper at home, he only grabs red pepper from the section holding the more basic spices.

He stares at the rarer spices, and scans them hesitantly for curry powder. He spots some, and it looks high quality, but Kevin has a problem with it.

It's on the top shelf.

Kevin pouts at it, climbing onto the bottom of the shelf in an attempt to reach it. He's in the process of climbing another level higher when a voice says, "Here, let me help you with that."

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