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*Six Years later*

"Okay, should we go through the list again?" Abel sits cross legged on the bed with his husband, holding a worn piece of paper In his hand, a pen tucked behind his ear. He's got a smudge of yellow paint on his forehead, his hair is extremely ruffled, and there are bags under his eyes, but he's got a grin on his face. "We should make sure we don't dislike any of the names before Friday."

"Yeah, okay." Kevin, curled into Abel's side, is a little irritable from the secrets being kept in his own house. Abel won't let him enter the study, claiming that it's a surprise for later on. He is, however, trying to be as agreeable as possible. "Let's go over them one more time."

"Alright. Willow?"

Kevin nods. "Yep."

Abel nods, then says, "It's a bit feminine, though, don't you think? And we agreed to be as gender neutral as possible."

Kevin nods. "Yeah, but I figured, if it's not suitable, Will is always an option as a nickname."

Abel shrugs. "Fine by me. Azul?"





"Oh, yes, I rather like that one." Kevin smiles, placing his head on Abel's shoulder.

"What is this?" Abel fakes sounding upset. "Ferdinand?"

Kevin hides a smirk, acting offended. "What's wrong with Ferdinand?"

Rolling his eyes, Abel pecks his lover on the forehead. "Literally everything is wrong with Ferdinand. You almost snuck that past me, even got my handwriting right, but no dice."

Kevin giggles, reaching past Abel to steal a sip of his tea. "Okay. Jay?"

"Yup. That's a good one. Adonis?"

Kevin shakes his head. "No, we've discussed this. Naming anything Adonis holds it to ridiculously high standards of beauty. It will promote low self esteem. No Adonis."

"But, it's so pretty. Please, Blue?" Abel bites his lip, looking up at Kevin through his eyelashes, looking him up and down suggestively.

Kevin hangs his head in defeat. There's no way that he can resist that look. "Alright, fine," he grumbles, "But if it really comes down to Adonis, I'm calling a veto."

Abel grins. "Alright, alright. Carson, Colby, and Shane are all okay?"

Kevin nods, then shrugs tilting his head indecisively. "I mean, I'm a little on the fence about Shane. I generally associate the name Shane with the hot male lead in Camp Rock. It's a bit iffy."

"I agree. Let's cut it." Abel draws a solid dark line through the name.

"If we weren't being gender neutral, I'd be strongly in favor of Kate." Kevin stretches out is limbs, pulling the sleeves of the sweater he's stolen from Abel over his hands.

Abel scoffs, turning and taking Kevin's hands. "I know, love, but we agreed to let it be free to identify any way it chooses, no matter what. Besides," he furrows his brow, "Katherine smacks of Shakespearian rebellion, and gender roles. Which is not a good thing. It's just so oppressive, and... I don't know. I don't want it to be tied to that, even if it's obscure."

Kevin smiles. Abel is very cute when he's troubled, and he's a relatively fussy person, so it happens often. Kevin hadn't got to see it much until they moved in together, and now he enjoys every second. "Yeah, yeah, I know. 'For I am born to tame you, Kate, and bring you from a wild Kate to a Kate conformable as other household Kates,' and all that sexist jazz. But just listen to it. Katarina. Rolls off the tongue so nicely." Abel stares at Kevin fondly as he waxes on about the name, smiling softly at the passion in his eyes, forgetting to actually listen. "You know what's a nice name? Dione. I know, there's a lot to live up to, after all, she conceived Aphrodite, dated Zeus, and all. But, it's pretty. I also like Kit."

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