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The walk into town was long and tiring. Yet, once I heard the lazy river meeting the road I enjoyed the walked.
Travelers rarely venture into our little sleepy town, if it can be classified as such. Griffton is lightly populated region off the coast of Delgamo. Delgamo is one of nine states that occupy the eastern continent of Ragrtar.

Griffin is not on the Kings highway nor is it located near any major ports or cities of commerce. The biggest event that happens is the Fest of Lovers. Which, is when young couples can officially get engaged or married. Last year there were only, three couples. In short nothing of great interest rarely happens.

As I come into view of the town the first thing I see is the village water mill. Run by Gimble Miller and his shrewd wife Lorie Miller. They have three children and the eldest just recently married, at year at one and six years of age. I sell and buy, my wheat and supplies for the harvest from them.

Up a ways is the smithy, which is owned and run by Robert Blackstone and his Recently married son Jeager Blackstone to Rebecca Miller. After I get supplies from the town Depot I will go the Smithy to borrow a donkey and cart. Which will be used to bring in my wheat to the mill. Of course I do pay the Blackstones in a few precious sacks of flour once I'm finished. I am one of four other land owners that grow wheat. If they don't get the flour from us then they have to wait months for a caravan to come by with more shipments of goods.

As I entered the town line, the dirt road became harder and more compact. The streets were wide and dotted with people. Today was Tuesday, which happened to be market day.

A few farmers had set up their wares along a less traveled street. The towns people milled about eyeing goods and making trades.

I continued past them and headed toward the Depot at the front of town. On my way I passed the inn, which had a bustling atmosphere. There seemed to be some commotion going on behind the pan glass windows. Generally, there was always something going on in the inn on market day. Shrugging, I continued on only stopping at the stables as I noticed an old friend.

Mavrick, he was the town law enforcer. He reported to the Baron Marque, who rules our state of Delgamo. Maverick was good friends with my father and he would often visit when he was alive. Now that it was just me, it seemed rather inappropriate to visit. Unless he brought his wife Kenna and two small children. So I rarely saw him.

I entered the tavern stables noticing that the greater part of the stalls were full. I walked to the stall on my right and leaned against the open door.

"Greetings Mavrick. How's the family?" I said while leaning in the stall. I caught a glimpse of the middle aged man brushing his horse.

With a gruff cough, Mavrick responded. "Greetings Thea! The family is well, Kenna is expecting our third. How about you? How is the cutting going? I assume since you're here that you finished early?"

I nodded," yes sir, I finished this morn. I'm getting supplies then going to the Smith for the cart."

Mavrick halted his brushing and walked to the the other side of his grey gelding. In full view, he was wearing simple attire. A waist length tunic of rust brown, matching pants, and a pair of knee high riding boots. His official clothing would have included light chain mail, hulbruk, coat of arms and a helm.

Titling his grey bearded face toward me he responded, "glad to hear it. Hope you can stop by to see the Kenna once you bring in the harvest. She loves having you come by."

I nodded, "of course."

Then turning to look at Talbot, who was busy sniffing out the empty stalls. "Who do the new horses belong to?" I said turning to face Mavrick.

He shrugged, "they belong to some of the Kings highway men that came in last night." Lowering his voice he added," just between you and me they were bringing in a badly wounded fellow, that looked to be wearing the clothing of a ranger."

This news surprised me. "Really? Must have been on a scouting mission in our region. Wonder what happened?"

He shrugged,"who knows with Rangers. Being them scary people they are. Just be careful, the highway patrol didn't look like the safest bunch."
I nodded then whistled to Talbot, who was at my side in an instant. "Well nice seeing you! Talbot and I will finish up our business here."

Mavrick, responded with a small wave, "be safe!"

"Will do!" I called over my shoulder as I trotted toward the Depot. Nervous to finish my task.

When I reached the steps of the Depot I was quickly met by the the tavern owner Melia. Her short little body looked worn and tired, not to mention the apparent panic on her face.

Catching my eyes she rushed to my side," Thea! You know some knowledge of healing herbs, Right? The town physician has been gone for the past day to help deliver farmer Bench's baby. He hasn't returned and I need someone to help a badly injured man!"

I nodded slowly," it's the new comer that came in with the patrol. Correct?"

She shook her little head in agreement. "Please! I would never have asked but I can't think of any one else around within distance. Besides the men scare me."

"Take me to them. I'll see what I can do." I responded quietly.

Gratefully, she took my hand and pulled me toward the inn.

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